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The church was still and quiet after the morning mass. Thames found Alex sitting at the second pew before the Sacred Heart, right where Father Jason had first told her about him. She wasn't praying. Alex didn't pray. She was waiting for him.

"The rain stopped," he said. "Fancy a walk?"

The went out together and headed for the cemetery. Thames studied Alex as they strolled in silence, waiting for her to speak.

She didn't hurry to start the conversation. Over the last two weeks, since she'd waken up after channeling Blake to ashes, she'd grown used to those close to her observing her like that. Especially Claire and Tom, who knew her better and had seen her under Blake control. And Thames, of course, who knew so much more than he was willing to say. She'd been in no hurry to seek for answers. She'd rather invested the time tracing down the changes she felt inside her, mostly as they reflected in or from the people around her. And only when the questions took a more-defined shape, had she showed up looking for Thames. Who'd been waiting for that moment patiently.

"It wasn't something Blake gave me. You tampered with my memory," she said, statement, not question. "So you think it's better for me if I don't remember what happened."

"All we told you is the plain truth, Alex," he said. "But they say a day on earth equals a month in hell, and I happen to know it's true. Meaning you've been in hell for a whole of their months, being tortured by the second most ruthless and vicious creature that ever existed. So, yes, I think you're better off without those memories."

"And what if I'm also forgetting something important?"

"You mean information? What information could be worth your sanity, child?"

She nodded, her eyes ahead. "So that bad."

"Probably worse."

"Bet you think I shouldn't dig into it."

"No, never. Things may come back to you, like gut feelings, sensations, random flashbacks. If that happens, just let it flow. Take it as it is and don't linger on it."

"What if I can't?"

"You mean you don't have the will?" Thames scoffed. "Child, I saw you break the Duke of Hell's heaviest yoke and channel with nothing but a prayer. Don't tell me you don't have the will."

"Okay. About that. D'you have any idea what did I do, or how?"

"I have only my own speculations. First a green light showed up from the ground around you. That color usually means the earth's energy. It went up to the sky and a white light blasted down on us. So I think that somehow you first summoned the earth's energy to call on the energy from above. In other words: you used the planet's living spirit as your messenger to bring down the cavalry."

Alex smiled. "That sounds a little over the top."

"Tell me about it. The right word for it is unbelievable. My group of scholars is gonna spend the next decades trying to understand what you did just out of pure instinct."

The walked in silence for a couple of minutes, until she said, "Now that I've channeled twice, I can feel the effects. The strength, the cleaning inside, the perspective... The way little everyday things all of a sudden seem so meaningless, and so precious."

"Never refuse a good hotcake or a cold beer."

They chuckled softly.

"Am I gonna be like this from now on? I mean, this way of seeing things, and people, rather than feeling them?"

"It's just another way of feeling then, Alex. You'll get used to it."

"And what about sex?"

Thames paused, completely taken aback. Alex scoffed at his awkward frown.

"What about it?" he asked, cautiously.

"It's weird, y'know? Tom as much as touches my shoulder and I want to jump his bones right on the spot. Sex with him has always been great, but now... I just can't seem to get enough of him." She raised a finger. "I'm not saying I'm in heat or something like that. It's not like I see any guy and I'm choking. It's only with him. And I know outta bitter experience wearing the wolf out isn't easy. But I'm afraid I'm draining poor Tom." She glanced at Thames, amused. "Hope that's not too much information for a half-angel priest."

Thames shook his head, captivated by her words. "No, no. You know I can't answer you from my personal experience. The 'problem' here is that you're something completely new, Alex. All the channelers we have any record about were religious men, and you're neither. However, if I assessed the two of you correctly, I'd say that's your human soul talking."

"How so?"

Thames took a moment to reply, "Tom's become your strongest connection to your human side. And after channeling for the second time, with all this new, nonhuman energy inside you, your human side turns to him. Of course it's not lust. It's love. It's about staying human."

"But what about Claire? I love her over everybody else."

"Oh, but your love for Claire doesn't need you to be human. You would love her even if you turn into a rock."

"While my love for Tom..."

"There's nothing more human than making love. And through it, Tom's helping to keep you human. You need to stay human to be by his side."

"If I turned into a stone, I think Tom would take me with him in his pocket, or keep me on his nightstand."

"But you know he wouldn't be happy. You know he needs you, the woman he loves. And because you love him, his need becomes yours."

"So it's giving a damn about giving a damn."

Thames nodded, chuckling again. "Yes."

"What're we gonna do with the Cross, Gregory?"

He sighed. "We need to defuse the demonic seal to get to it. There's a spell that can work, but neither of us can try it, because you need to be right on the spot to use it. And you've become almost as radioactive as me lately."

"Don't worry. We can always count on my Ninja Girl."

"Tell me about it. I thought of her, too. However, it'll take time and patience, to let the spell corrode slowly the demonic seal and weaken it, until it's harmless."

"Meaning it's gotta be done more than once."

"Considering it was Askaroth who made the seal, it'll take months. You see, the spell can affect the conjurer if it's used more than twice a week."

"Keep in mind they can come take it any given day."

"Don't worry. I'll place a counter-seal on the house before going back to Seattle. No demon will be able to walk in there without burning."

"Sounds good. So you're leaving?"

"Yes. Askaroth's soldiers are still working to open the Gates, so I need to pick that up."

"Should I wish to see you again?"

Thames' soft laughter made Alex smile.

"I can drop by for no reason at all, you know."

"And make breakfast."

"Or dinner. I'm actually a very good cook."

"Sounds like a plan, padre."

They smiled yet again. But that word, padre, made her think of Aidan. 

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