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Alex held Tom's drilling stare, pretty close to a glare, determined to not give up. Claire cooked dinner a few steps away, her back turned to them. Until she dropped the lid on the pot and spun around.

"Jesus Christ! Cut the crap already!" she cried. "Both of you! You're choking me!"

They turned to her, surprised at her outburst.

Claire snorted. "Look, Tom, you know I'm all for no channeling, just like you. But I've met Father Thames, and I can tell you he oozes kindness and light. For all I know, the guy's a saint. So if he's the one guiding Al, I can only be okay with it."

Tom glared away, shaking his head.

Claire rolled her eyes. "Can't you see she's gonna do it anyway? She's not asking for permission, Tom. She's just letting us know she's doing it. So you can just accept it and get over it, or sulk till Kingdom comes. That's what's up to you."

Alex managed to keep from chuckling at Claire's blunt words. They traded a look and the girl pointed over her shoulder.

"Kill the burner in three minutes or I'll do it myself, no matter what I disturb," she said.

As soon as they were alone in the kitchen, Alex stepped down of her stool to stand closer to Tom and rested her hands on his knees. He met her eyes and she finally understood he wasn't mad but afraid. She leaned in to rest her forehead on his shoulder.

"Please, Tom," she said. "I'm scared about this too. It's the last thing I wanna do. But I have to. So please, help me out here."

Tom took her in his arms, sighing. "You know I'm with you. But you can't ask me to be okay about you doing something that will end up changing you forever. And tearing us apart."

It was way longer an answer than Tom's usually laconic statements. And the most serious thing he'd ever said to her. But there was nothing Alex could say to argue his words, because she just didn't know if he was right.

"Then don't let me stray, Tom," she murmured. "If somebody can keep me being me, it's you."

He could only held her tight to his chest and kiss her temple.

"I love you," she whispered in his ear. And it felt so good, finally saying it out loud, to him, in the flesh.

Tom tilted his head, and as they kissed, Alex understood she needed to cherish what she was feeling. Because the overwhelming emotion stirring inside of her was the key. Her love for Tom—and his love for her—was the safest line straight to her humanity.

"Dinner!" Claire's cry startled them. The girl stormed into the kitchen. "Jeez, guys! Can't you be a little aware of the world around you whenever you're together?"

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