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Alex wished she could throw up, but the shackles kept her arms so tightly stretched that she could hardly look down. So she was forced to fight back the retches and pray her stomach wouldn't turn. But she didn't fight the tears. Maybe they would somehow ease how sick, shocked and scared she was.

They didn't. As time crawled by, she felt like sinking in the quicksand of a black desperation she had no way to resist. It seemed to grow thicker and heavier as the last glimpse of the afternoon darkened outside the narrow windows.

Her aching limbs seemed so trivial compared to what had happened. What Blake had done to her. Not only the abuse. The worst about it was the way he'd taken complete control of her with only a kiss. He'd turned her into a helpless puppet just for the kicks of showing off his power.

A weary cry breached her lips. She'd never known what hating was until now. She hated Blake with her heart and guts. And it meant absolutely nothing, because he owned her now, and most likely forever. She'd never have a chance to act out her hate.

Night closed over Baker lake when the door creaked open. The light from the stairs showed a man coming in. Alex shrieked, biting her tongue to keep from screaming. Was it Blake? He was back for more as he'd promised? Oh, Lord! Why couldn't she just die?

The man turned on the foot lamp and its soft glow blinded her.


She frowned. Markus, not Blake?

Markus headed straight to the sheave on the wall and loosened the chain. When it didn't keep her on her feet anymore, her knees faltered and she crumbled down. The moment she lowered her arms, the bitter burn crept up her throat. She managed to stick her head out to the side. Markus fished into the cupboard at the other side of the room and came to crouch in front of Alex. She sat as far from her vomit as she could and rested her back against the wall.

"Jesus, Al. You're a mess."

"Thank your red-eye boss for it," she replied, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

He offered her a small bottle of water and she shook her head. He opened it before her. "See? Still sealed. Clean, nothing funky." He handed it out again. "Dare tell me you ain't dying for it."

Alex snatched it from his hand and drank a long, eager gulp. Markus let her drink and walked out of the cellar. He was right back with a mop and a bucket, and cleaned the floor while she gulped up the last of the water. She choked on it and Markus patted her back when she coughed.

"Don't do this to yourself, Al," he said. "He wouldn't tell what he's got in store for you. But whatever it is, spare yourself a hard time and just say yes."

Alex shooed him away, panting. "So you're the good cop."

"Call it whatever you want. I wasn't lying when I said I like you, Al. So I'm just giving you a piece of advice."

"I ain't gonna be his bitch," she replied, and had to stop to cough again and swallow, trying to ease her sore throat. "Not now, not ever. You can go tell'im that.

Markus sighed. "He'll get what he wants, Al, and there's nothing you can do to help it."

She looked away and set her jaw, hating to know she couldn't argue that."

"There's no saying no to him, Al. Trust me, I know. So forget about some crazy plan that would end with an heroic death. It's useless. If he wanted you dead, you'd already be six feet under. Trying to resist will only make things harder for you. And you'll end up saying yes anyway. And thanking him for a chance to lick his shoes."

A chill ran down Alex's spine, but she didn't answer.

Markus huffed, exasperated. "You're gonna regret being so stubborn."

"Runs in the family," she grunted.

"So I've heard." He stood up.

Alex looked up at him. "Can you get me my phone?"

"To call on the cavalry?"

"No, moron. To keep them away. They must be wondering where the hell I am, and you can bet they're coming around soon."

"Really. Now you don't want brave Tom to the rescue."

"So your boss guts him before my eyes? No, thanks. And we don't want Thames anywhere around either, right?"

"Good point. Let me see what I can do. And you better get your act together to talk to them."

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