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Thames rested his hands at both sides of Alex's head on the altar, his own head down and his eyes closed. The other three held their breath as their eyes adjusted to the pale shivering glow of the candles. Thames looked up at them and flashed a very human, very ordinary smile. Tom approached the altar, letting Claire to help Father Jason back to his feet. Tom hurried to Alex and grabbed her hand, taking it to his lips. It felt, and she looked, as if she were sound asleep.

"Can we use your couch, Father Jason?" asked Thames, fresh and light.

"O-of course!" the priest stuttered, clinging to Claire to stand up.

Thames turned to Tom, always smiling. "Can you carry her, son? It'll take her a couple of hours to wake up."

Tom didn't waste time in replying. He lifted Alex in his arms and headed to the hall that led to Father Jason's house. The others followed him. He could hear Claire's excited whispering, still holding Father Jason up.

Tom lay Alex on the couch carefully and kneeled by her side, his eyes on her calm face and the mild smile still pursing her lips. Thames paused behind the couch to look down at them.

"Stay with her, Tom," he said, his voice low so only Tom would hear him. "For you're her pillar, the source of her love and hope."

Tom frowned, questioning. Thames nodded and turned to the other two, as they walked into the living room.

"Claire, I think Father Jason and I could use a tea."

"Sure! I'll fix you some herb-" Claire shook her head, giggling. "Good Lord! I'm fixing you a tea? After what I just witnessed!"

Thames preceded them to the kitchen, chuckling. "Please, forget the optics. Promise I'll drink whatever you give me. My throat feels like sandpaper."

Claire glanced at Tom and closed the door between them, saying, "Oh, boy! Now I need to have grandchildren to tell them about tonight!"

Tom's eyes were already back to Alex. He sat on the edge of the couch and gently brushed her hair off her face. He wished he could erase from his mind the image of her suspended in that light. The Elder's warnings echoed in his mind. Now he understood why Old Bootter's book said that no one had ever survived channeling angelic energy more than three times. What he'd just seen, what he'd just felt... And he wasn't at the center of it like Alex. Fear clutched at his heart again. How would anybody be exposed to that and make it through unchanged? Had he lost her? So soon?

Tom shut his eyes and kissed her fingers, trying to fight back his despair. To his surprise, her fingers slipped from his hand to caress his face. Tom opened his eyes to find Alex's gazing at him, a smile on her face that instantly washed his fears away. She sat up to throw her arms around his neck and kiss him.

When she broke their long, deep kiss, her face reflected only loving wonder at meeting his eyes.

"Oh, God, I love you," she whispered, and her smile became daring. "And as soon as we're back home, I'm so gonna do all kinds of kinky things to you, till you beg for mercy."

Tom couldn't answer, too surprised to speak.

She chuckled and cuddled in his arms. "Guess that wasn't what you expected me to say."

"Err... No," he managed to say.

"Was it too fancy to watch?"

"I'd say it was rather... biblical. But what about you? What did you feel? D'you remember anything?"

Alex didn't get to answer, because the door to the kitchen opened for Claire and the priests to storm into the living room.

Thames shook his head, scoffing. "You were supposed to sleep and rest at least past midnight, child."

Alex shrugged. "Not my fault, if you leave me alone with this man." She turned to Claire. "Jeez, kiddo, I'm frigging starving. How about a late bite?"

"You go..."

Claire trailed off at the sound of a whirring engine right outside the church. All of them turned to the front door. Thames signaled them to stay back and went to the front window to peer out.

"Somebody sent by the Keepers is watching the place," he said.

Alex jumped to her feet to join him. But she hardly glanced out and staggered back, a hand to her chest. Before any of them could react, she ran out the front door. Claire didn't need to see the car: her aunt's feelings were enough to know whose vehicle it was. So she rushed to the open door and stopped Tom and Thames from following Alex.

She stood in the lawn, halfway to the street, in the light of one of the front spotlights. She couldn't look away from George, sitting behind the wheel and sneering at her. Alex felt the pain piercing through her as she wished this were some kind of mistake. She tried to call out his name, but only a sob came out of her trembling lips. George turned to look ahead and drove away. Her knees faltered and she fell on them on the grass, hands to her face as burning tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Stay here," Claire said to the three men at the doorstep. She went to kneel by Alex and put an arm around her shoulders.

Alex crumbled in Claire's arms, crying her heart out. The girl could only hold her. There were no words to express what she was feeling. Neither to comfort her.

"Any idea what just happened?" Thames asked, keeping his voice low.

Father Jason sighed, grimacing. "That was George Carson."

"You mean the man Alex saved from The Guardian?" asked Tom.

"I'm afraid so."

Thames grimaced too, while they watched Alex cry. "Well, if he isn't already one of Askaroth's sworn runts, he's almost there."

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