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Alone again, Alex let out a shaky sigh that sounded more like a sob. She couldn't care less if they were actually playing the good cop/bad cop routine on her. She was sitting, instead of hanging from those awful shackles, and she'd gotten some water, and maybe even her phone and a chance to talk to Tom. That was more than enough for the moment. In her situation, worrying any further was just useless.

Markus' words echoed in her head—you'll thank him for a chance to lick his shoes. Another chill ran down her back and another sobbing sigh escaped her lips. Her guts squirmed and cold welled in her chest, sucking the air away from her lungs. Because now she could tell Markus was right. Askaroth's true form that Thames had showed her in dreams came back to her memory, threatening to turn her stomach again and filling her eyes with more burning tears of desperation. She couldn't let that hideous creature impregnate her. She needed to die as of two hours earlier.

Lucky her, Markus was back before she felt too sick. And watching him walk into the cellar, she knew what she'd say to Tom.

Markus crouched in front of her, her phone in his hand. "We're calling Tom, right?"

Alex nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat.

Markus dialed on speaker and held the phone an inch away from her face. Tom picked up right away, and she needed all her will to not break down in tears at the sound of his voice.

"Alex! Where are you? You okay?"

"Yeah, of course. But I'm stuck in Hamilton."


"Remember the collector selling all those books?"

"Oh, true, he lives in Hamilton. He called you?"

"Yeah, but he thinks I'm a millionaire or something. Are you home already? Have you seen Claire? I've been calling her, but her phone's off."

Tom hesitated. Something that would've set all of Alex's alarms off at any other time, but now it gave her some relief.

"She's at the church, with Thames."

"Oh, okay. That's why she ain't picking up, then."

"What time are you coming back?"

"As soon as I kill this son of a bitch." Alex ignored Markus' mocking smirk. "It might take a while longer."

"Oh, okay. I'll make dinner, then."

"That sounds great."

"Take care."

"You too. Laters."

Alex closed her eyes and clenched her teeth when Markus disconnected. No, she wouldn't see Tom later. Most likely never again. And that certainty was like a rusty spear ripping through her heart.

Markus' trademark merry ways just pushed the spear deeper. "That a girl. That should keep them away for now. But you're gonna need some other story later on."

Alex just nodded and kept her eyes low, waiting for Markus to leave her the hell alone.

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