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Markus opened his eyes, surprised to be still alive, and had the good instinct of staying still. He was lying flat on the ground and something covered him completely. He touched it and realized it was human bodies, two or three. Dead. He registered the footsteps and voices all around. His mind retrieved his last memories slowly.

Al and her friends had attacked his runts. He'd killed the captive hunter and fought against Al—how come she was so skilled with blades? However, he and his runts kicked their ass, and he was about to kill Tom when...

What the hell had happened? Thunder, the ground trembling, and a burning light that beamed down on them out of nowhere—the sky? An alien mothership? The blast had wiped everybody out. Then how on earth was he still alive? Was it because those two or three runts had covered him with their own bodies to protect him?

He closed his eyes and focused on the sounds.

That voice was Graham's. He was instructing somebody. Muffled groans a little further. Graham was picking up whatever was left of Al's merry gang. He needed to get away from there as of two hours ago. So he pushed softly one of the bodies on top of him, just enough to glance out.

It was still night—good, he had a chance to sneak away unnoticed. He pulled himself from under the bodies noiselessly. He had to admit Blake was right about having runts: no demon would've sacrificed themselves to save him like these men had. He was right under a tree, so he crawled backwards on his elbows to get behind it and out of sight from the people moving all over the clearing with flashlights.

He wondered whether he should get the hell away or wait until Graham's group left. But then the sheriff's flashlight fell on a men crouching down a few steps away. He was lifting Alex in his arms, while a tall boy helped Tom back to his feet.

Markus crawled further back, a chill running down his spine when he saw the man's face. He knew that face: Blake had showed him pictures of that priest. He needed to get out of there before the man smoked him to ashes just by snapping his fingers. And he needed to warn Blake. They'd need real backup to keep the Cross if that man was around.

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