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Alex woke up when Tom moved and rolled over to throw her arm around his waist, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Can't you call in sick?" she muttered, wrapping a leg around his when he tried to move again.

"I can't. Trent is on leave and we've got an inspection scheduled," he said, brushing her forehead with his lips. "But I'm coming back after work."

"That's too long."

Tom smiled and held her in his arms. Alex had no idea how sweet she was when she was sleepy like this. He just had to kiss her. She kept her eyes closed when he moved away, lips parted, expecting another kiss. But Tom was able to beat temptation. He made her rest back on the pillows gently and sat up.

It'd been a long night for all of them, so Tom was surprised to find Alex up when he came out of the shower. He hated wondering if what had happened at the church had already started changing her, because she'd never get up before seven out of her own will. It was just awful, being on the defensive inside, almost suspecting her every word and action. However, recalling what he'd witnessed seemed to justify how he felt.

To his relief, Alex joined him in the kitchen in her usual fashion—dragging her feet, grunting, her hair a complete mess, her eyes mostly closed. Yes, this was 'his' Alex.

Claire showed up a few minutes later and helped him with breakfast. Even being more of a morning person than her aunt, the girl looked like she would've gladly slept in for once.

Tom brought Alex a steamy mug and she frowned at him. "How d'you do it?" she grumbled. He was so wide awake, shaved and dressed as neatly as to hit a fashion runway.

He only smiled, appreciating the familiar comment—she asked it every single morning they had breakfast together. He knew she didn't expect any answer, so he kept bringing things to the bar.

"Why are you guys up so early?" he asked.

"Gotta go to church," Claire replied.

"Shit," Alex growled. "Feels like a month of Sunday mornings back when I was a child."

Claire and Tom sat with Alex at the breakfast bar as the girl said, "Father Gregory's gonna consecrate some of our blades, so we can use them against the Keepers. And since it takes time, we better get it started early."

"And he's also gonna teach me what I need to do to actually channel," Alex said. She managed to open her eyes to look at Claire. "We gotta try to find Bormstone before it's too late."

"You think he's still alive?" Tom asked.

Alex shrugged, grimacing. "I don't know. Thank God I've got no idea what they may be doing to him."

"How are you feeling after last night fireworks?" asked Claire.

Alex took a moment to reply, as if checking herself. "Tired? I'd sleep a whole week. Nothing else. Just like with Miss Parker—she did something to me, or on me, but I don't feel anything new or special." She paused, frowning. "Last night, it felt like I couldn't help wearing my heart on my sleeve. My emotions were... I don't know... stronger... you know what I mean."

Tom and Claire stared at her. Plain to see they didn't want to guess or assume anything. They needed her to explain it. Clearly.

She turned to Tom. "I woke up and you were there. And affection and desire were overwhelming. I would've jumped your bones right there and then."

Tom nodded, too focused on her words to feel embarrassed.

Alex met Claire's eyes. "And you can tell how I felt when we saw George spying on us for the Keepers."

"Your heart felt like about to shatter to pieces."

"Yeah. It hurt so bad, I thought I'd just die. But now it's all back to normal. Same old me. Like nothing happened."

"Meaning you're still the same stupid hothead?"

"Mind the way you address your elders, young lady."

"Oh, sure, you may ground me."

Tom smiled, turning his attention to breakfast. The Corbans teasing each other felt more reassuring than he was willing to admit.

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