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Markus came up from his office, phone to his ear, and found Blake having breakfast at the kitchen bar. He wore a clean suit, and looked classy and relaxed as usual. His two demons stood three steps behind him like statues, the way he liked them.

It was only seven-thirty but Markus was wide awake and already into business. He disconnected and showed his phone to Blake on his way to the coffeemaker.

"They're almost there," he said.

"Good. Remember we need a picture of them in position."

Markus poured himself a coffee and turned to Blake with a doubtful frown. "You think it'll work, sir?"

Blake shrugged, not worried at all. "Maybe."

"And what if it doesn't?"

"We kill them. And I break her."

Markus raised his eyebrows—okay.

Still hanging from the shackles with her feet barely touching the floor, Alex woke up when the cellar door opened. She didn't bother looking up. Blake would make her if he wanted her to, so no need of going through the effort of moving even one of her aching muscles. By the footsteps, he wasn't alone. His thugs and somebody else, at least.

"Good morning, Alexandra," Blake said, and she felt her own head moving up to face him.

Blake approached her and brushed softly the hair off her face. "Pay attention now, my dear. Take a good look at what I'm about to show you."

Alex's eyes, hardly open between swollen lids, came into focus to hold Blake's. Markus stepped closer and gave him a page, that Blake held before her face.

"Do you recognize this place?"

Alex looked at the photograph and nodded. It was the elementary school, around the corner from the City Hall.

"Good girl. Now listen to me carefully. This picture was taken not five minutes ago. Can you see my runts all around the access?"

She saw them. About a dozen thugs lurking around among the parents bringing their children.

"So this is your last chance, dear Alexandra. Say yes now, or my runts will take over the school and kill every children in there."

Alex didn't seem to register, her eyes still on the picture. But she did register, just like she recognized the truck parked right across the street from the school gates.

"So? What will it be, Alexandra? Look at me."

Alex faced him. She was so past pain and fear and horror and revulsion, that she could only wish she were able to laugh at Blake's ruse. Because it wasn't going to work. No matter what she said, the children were safe, and that was all that mattered.

It was so damn frigging good, seeing his impatient frown. She couldn't fight him. She couldn't harm him in any way. She was stuck in that private hell of his forever. So why couldn't she have at least a little laugh? It could be the last one she was ever going to have in centuries.

Blake's voice hardened. "I'm waiting, Alexandra. Should I have them kill half the children in town?"

Markus and the thugs traded a look when Alex's lips trembled and curled up in a quick, weary smile. Blake scowled, his eyes glowing red. It would've been the scariest thing she'd ever seen. If she had any fear left to feel. But she had nothing left. What he hadn't taken yet, he would, soon. So she smiled at him.

"Damned bitch!" Blake snarled. "Markus! Call you men!" He glanced at his thugs from over his shoulder and they hurried out of the cellar after Markus. He turned to Alex again. "Time for a lesson, whore."

Alex felt the pain creeping up from her toes worse than ever, ripping her legs apart, swirling around her belly and her chest like red-hot barbed wire, leaving nothing but fire and agony.

Maybe that was it? All she had to do was pissing him off enough to make him kill her? Was it so damn easy? How come she hadn't thought about it years ago? And as her body convulsed in pain, and a hoarse sound came out of her lips from the bottom of her throat, she held Blake's red eyes, smiling.    

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