Chapter 29

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From that girl's constant chatter, I am convinced that Elif is a pain to be around for longer than a few minutes. Unfortunately, while I was proved right, I am also starting to realise that Elif together with that Randy person is even worse.

By now, it's fairly obvious that he truly is a doctor. When he works, his face shows all the qualities a pack doctor should possess: concentration, knowledge, skill, efficiency. However, as soon as he sets his tools down, an immediate irritating scowl takes over his features. He also doesn't talk much. Elif does most of that. She is constantly explaining what Randy is doing, how he's doing it, why he's doing it, how whatever he's doing will heal and how, of course, she will eventually be as good at what he's doing as he is. When not working, she proceeds to tell both me and Raph, who probably barely registers any of it, what an apparently unpleasant person Randy is, only to earn constant annoyed noises from the man himself. After a while, it actually gets quite comical.

On first glance, Randy seems unbelievably frail, but only until I take a closer look. It became clear quickly that he isn't at all. His body is lean muscled, but the way he carries himself speaks of fighting experience and I have no doubt that he can easily hold his own in a fight.

After a few hours of working on Raph's and my own injuries, they both lean back with exhausted sighs. Randy unties his pony tail and unleashes a mane of hair that had a weird shade of brown, almost bordering a dark red in places. I have never seen anyone with hair as long as his. Once it falls over his shoulder it's obvious his pony tail must have been tied with some kind of technique to hide all of that hair somewhere. As he's sitting down, it's obvious that his hair falls way past his waist.

Immediately the girl is snuggled into his side and starts braiding his hair similarly to how she did her own. And it only takes a few minutes for Randy's arm to come around her shoulders. My eyebrows shoot up in surprise as I was not expecting that.

'Shhh, he's sleeping now. He always needs some rest after treating patients.' Elif chuckles before continuing, 'We'll stay here tonight and then get daddy tomorrow so he can tell you where you'll be staying. You should both do better by then. There's a bag by the door, can you get that? There's some food in there for dinner.'

The "door" is really only the root that leaves a gap big enough to crawl through so I quickly grab the bag and come back. I've not yet asked about the Alpha, but there is really no point anymore. It's clear that this is the Alpha's daughter and I would be stupid to count on him being as helpful as his daughter is. I should be preparing to leaving tomorrow. At least they let us recover properly, it would give us much more of a chance to actually make it.

Elif takes the bag off me immediately and just turns it upside down to shake it. All kinds of stuff falls out, but on a closer look, I realise the majority of it is chocolate.

'Dinner?' I can't help but ask. I hear a chuckle next to me and immediately throw my arm around Raph, who's sat up next to me. He still looks a bit pale, but he's alright moving and talking already. As Elif said, by tomorrow he should be as good as new, just like me.

'That's mine, silly. As if I would give you all the good stuff. Besides, apparently having only chocolate isn't good for recovery, Randy says. I don't think that's true, but he won't believe me anyway.'

As she's talking, she grabs some more food that looks a lot more healthy and hands it to us.

'Also, just to clarify, this is dark chocolate, so it's all healthy anyway.' she says as she munches on the first bar of "dark chocolate".

I can't help myself and let a little laugh slip. Raph smiles up at me in answer and kisses me on the cheek.

'I've missed that.' he whispers and I give him a chaste kiss on the lips in return.

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