Character: Stanford Northwest

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Many years before Pacifica Pines and her family returned to Gravity Falls, a young Stanford Northwest discovered a sick demon and made a deal with him that would save the demon's life and would him unlimited knowledge and power in return when he got older. Bill had been cut off from the mindscape, which he can't leave for long without perishing. Ford agreed that he could take residence inside of the mind of his firstborn's firstborn.

Bill began giving Stanford instructions to build a portal that would give Ford his infinite knowledge and power and would also leak out small bursts of energy from the mindscape's void that would help Bill survive until his promised puppet was born. Ford recruited his brother, Stanley, and Pippa Pines to assist him in building it. Little did he know that Pippa and Bill had a history that would lead to disaster for the project.

One night, stuff goes down, and Ford ended up calling the police, saying that Pippa killed his brother. While there was never any proof presented to prove his claim, Stan's body never found, and Pippa missing, the entire town is convinced of Pippa's guiltiness, leading to the rest of her family leaving town.

As time goes on, Ford ends up not having any kids at all, let alone a firstborn, so Bill moved onto the next best thing: Shermie's firstborn's firstborn, Mabel. He took custody of the twins when they were about four-years old so that he could supervise Bill's young vessel. Relentless and manipulative, Ford is less than the ideal parental unit, raising Dipper and Mabel in a toxic environment and with cruel parenting methods. He'll do whatever he can to keep his deal with Bill and assist him in the demon's plans in order to keep his place at the top.

When the Pines return to Gravity Falls and Pacifica begins her crusade against the Northwest family, Stanford sees her as nothing but a pest that his ever loyal great nephew can easily take care of. As time passes and the young girl proves herself to be much too like her grandmother for his liking, Ford will just have to take matters into his own hands to crush her with her nosy little determination to destroy everything he's worked so hard for.

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