Character: Pippa Pines

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It was practically fated that Pippa Pines be surrounded in magic and mystery since her birth. Born into a local Gravity Falls family with magic flowing trough their veins, Pippa quickly became a talented spellcaster at a young age, although she was always more intrigued by the supernatural elements around her than the supernatural powers inside of her. It is unknown if she was involved in the fierce Pines vs. Bill battle that ended with the demon being stripped of almost all of his powers and a young Stanford Northwest finding him in the woods.

By her early thirties, Pippa had married, given birth to a son, and became close friends with the Northwest twins. She started writing in a diary around the same time that Stanford asked for her help on a little project of his. Rather quickly, Pippa figured out that the project had everything to do with Bill. She struggled with what to do with this knowledge for a while until she realized that for the sake of the world and her family, she had to stop the construction of the portal.

The aftermath of Pippa's attempts to destroy the project left Pippa and Stanley gone without a trace, the Pines reputation in shambles, and young Preston Pines sent to live with other family by his father. Pippa's husband went off the map shortly afterwards. The true fate of Pippa, her husband, and Stanley Northwest would remain a mystery until her granddaughter, Pacifica, moved into town.

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