Episode: Husking Bee

379 18 14

(Personally, I think that this storyline could easily be combined with "The Other Northwest", but that's just my opinion

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(Personally, I think that this storyline could easily be combined with "The Other Northwest", but that's just my opinion.)

Mabel wants to leave the manor to go attend the Husking Bee, so Dipper, being the great brother he is, helps disguise her and sneak her out. They get separated when Great Uncle Ford calls Dipper over for a press photo op, and Mabel wanders over to a game where pigs are being offered as prizes. Pacifica runs into her and the two hit it off, and she almost convinces Mabel to play the game (because she clearly wants to) before Dipper shows off, fuming. He tells a shocked Pacifica to stay away from his sister before whisking Mabel away.

After a long car ride home with him ranting about how much trouble that Pines girl is, Dipper realizes his slip of the tongue and dreads what Pacifica will do with this new information that he's practically handed her on a silver platter. He goes back to school the following Monday, expecting there to be a scandalous article about his sister, but there isn't one. Pacifica saw how much he loved Mabel and that he wanted to protect her, so she'll just keep this bit of information between her and Northwest. She and Dipper enter a very very slow truce that borders on friendship, much to Gideon's distress.

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