Assorted Trivia

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• Dipper hates his Cipher Wheel symbol with a burning passion. Bill (and Pacifica) make a bunch of "special little snowflake" jokes, and Dipper alternates between wanting to kill someone and wanting to die whenever he hears one. Sometimes he wants to do them at the same time.

• At least once a month, Pacifica and Priscilla have a girls' day out.

• Ford still has his own set of journals.

• Dipper and Ford used to play Dungeons, Dungeons & More Dungeons a lot when he was younger. They don't anymore.

• Since Halloween and Summerween are Mabel's two favorite holidays, Dipper always sneaks her out of the mansion for it. They'll dress up in elaborate costumes of Mabel's choosing. Dipper will dress up in whatever his sister wants as long as their costumes conceal their identities with hoods, masks, wigs, and/or face paint. Even though he secretly thinks they're a bit too old for trick-or-treating, Dipper will do anything for Mabel.

• Pacifica loves dressing in costumes. In addition for going all out for Halloween and Summerween, she'll always dress up for spirit days at school, festivals, and literally anything else that gives her an excuse to dress up.

• Mabel likes to make homemade jewelry. Gideon has boxes full of assorted friendship bracelets she made for him.

•Pacifica's favorite thing to dress up as is superheros or any other heroic characters. (And if the costume for the superhero she wants to go as has some revealing issues, she'll fix that problem so she can still dress modestly.)

• Dipper is voted Homecoming Prince for Homecoming.

• Grenda frequently receives gifts in her locker from secret admirers. She says that it's gotten annoying and passes out her weekly hoard of presents, candies, and flowers between her friends. It gets especially bad on Valentine's Day, which has quickly become her least favorite holiday because why do people keep on giving her stuff she doesn't want?? Grenda is confused.

• Whenever she's in deep thought, Pacifica will take her hair down to play with it while she chews on her pen.

• When Dipper and Mabel were younger, Ford had a certain tactic for keeping them in line. When one of them disobeyed, he would take the other twin and punish them instead of the guilty one, making sure that the other child could hear what was happening. Afterwards, Ford bring Dipper and Mabel back together, and the twin who was punished would have to say "Thank you" to the other, who would have to reply, "You're welcome." Whenever one of the twins start acting up now, all Ford has to say is, "Do you think Mabel/Dipper will thank you for this later?" The twins rarely act out now.

• Pacifica has dozens of jewelry boxes filled with enchanted jewelry.

• When he wants to be, Gideon can be very manipulative.

• Another way Ford used to punish Dipper when he was younger was by locking him in his room for the night. Dipper didn't think it would be so bad until he heard Mabel's distressed cries coming from across the hall as she suffered through her nightmares alone. Those nights when he stayed up all night listening to Mabel call out for him in her sleep were the words Dipper ever had.

• As time goes on, the newspaper team gains new members. Gideon begins an anonymous gossip column using the stuff he overhears when no one knows he's there, Wendy helps clean up and keeps everyone's desk organized, Mabel has a freakishly accurate anonymous horoscope column and will occasionally publish some short stories under a pseudonym, and Dipper declares himself their new editor just so he can correct Pacifica's terrible grammar.

• Candy makes a lot of her own clothes.

• Dipper and Pacifica actually dance together during the Homecoming Dance.

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