Mindscape Manipulation

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This is the ability to access the mindscape from the physical realm and pulling from it to change and/or alter reality. This is the rarest and possibly the most powerful type of magic, when used correctly. People with this ability are typically lucid dreamers and have spent a lot of time in the mindscape instead of dreaming without even realizing it. Once they are aware of their abilities and how they've been entering the mindscape, they can also visit other people's minds while asleep, where they could possibly create dreams (or nightmares), view and/or alter memories, and enter influential thoughts into the thought stream. The only limit is the user's imagination. Since Bill's influence on Mabel's sleep and dreams has shaped her mind to automatically enter the mindscape, Mabel has the ability of mindscape manipulation, but she is unaware of the true power she holds. But once both Northwest twins learn about their powers, they're definitely going to become Ford and Bill's worst nightmares.

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