Character: Robbie Gleeful

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The second Pacifica meets local celebrity and rising star, Robbie Gleeful (Vulture), she's highly suspicious about how he became so successful

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The second Pacifica meets local celebrity and rising star, Robbie Gleeful (Vulture), she's highly suspicious about how he became so successful. He's a decent musician with an okay voice, but he's also a country singer, a huge narcissistic jerk, and, more importantly, a country singer. Who even likes country music??

Little does Pacifica know that Robbie comes from a long line of dark magicians, with a specialty in necromancy. His guitar is infused with a magic gemstone that gives him slight brainwashing powers when he plays it. Although he's pretty good with that, his strong suits are definitely in the necromancy and summoning areas. He loves experimenting with dark magic almost as much as he loves grooming his hair.

He may or may not have been the cause of his ex-girlfriend's death (whoops), but that's okay because he brought her back! As a zombie. And her family doesn't know because he's holding her captive. (Double whoops. But not really. Because Robbie doesn't regret a single thing.)

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