12: Ending Scene

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Title: The End

Prompt: When you realize her worth at the end...

Genre: slight angst!

Word count:

Characters: ksg + lty

Author's notes:

Craving in making an nct line of ffs or a whole nct one with street style and a rv one but it's all suspense. Drafts go away im a cherry bomb

This one's a shortie homie


"Bro, you're late again." Jaehyun commented, staring at Taeyong whose hair is disheveled from running upstairs of their building. Doyoung also chimed in, checking his appearance. "Your acads are fucked up now."

Taeyong shrugged the negativity and wiped the beads of sweat that are formed on his forehead. He sat down on his seat and pulled his notebook from his bag. "When is the professor coming?" He eyed the two who exchanged glances. "Okay fine, it was because of my ID. I fucking forgot it so I went back home again."

"Sucker." Doyoung turned away and fished his earphones from his pocket.

Jaehyun snickered, "You're always being bothered by your ID. Just glue it around your neck."

Taeyong rolled both of his eyes, "It's fucking itchy. I feel uncomfortable with it."

Jaehyun chuckled and pointed his notebook, "Are you done with Ms. Kim's Math assignment though?"

As soon as he heard these words, Taeyong's eyes widened from shock. "Oh shoot, Jae. I forgot!"

Jaehyun's forehead ceased, "It's near midterms. You're not amnesiac hyung. You better man up to your studies."

Taeyong shifted on his seat. He lazily combed his hair thinking of that assignment's deadline which was today. He was just too bothered of things and that included having fun.

"I think I need to have a tutor." Taeyong smirked, wiggling his eyebrows. Jaehyun folded his arms against his chest. "Seriously hyung, stop drinking and playing online games. You're becoming worse."

You're becoming worse. Those three words rang inside Taeyong's head, alarming a silent but triggering memory in his mind. He shook his head and tried to prove Jaehyun that he'll strive better for the exams. Jaehyun knew about all his drinking and wasting because Taeyong's always active at snapchat. He was quite saddened because his hyung came back to who he was again.

As much as Jaehyun wanted to mention a name, he chose not to. "Study Pre calculus later at the library. Wear your damn ID all the time because I heard that there will be a punishment." Jaehyun turned away from his bestfriend after the small piece of advice. He sighed afterwards. If he could only switch back time and tell Taeyong to not ruin his life and to be serious then he would've.

Taeyong wasn't weirded out by Jaehyun acting like that. He's always been like that, the rightful one, the responsible one and the studious one. Taeyong's always the wasted one. He can't deny it that it was his nature. He's a troublemaker and a storm himself. He can't bring himself to change although he tried very hard.

Very hard.

For one girl.

But she left him and it was all because of his catastrophes.

Taeyong smiled bitterly from a memory of his ex-girlfriend. He opened his notebook and tried to study for their next period exam but he's beginning to become spaced out again. His brain was rejecting every word that his eyes are feeding him. There was something whispering at him, telling him that it's better to sleep rather than study.

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