18: A dating rumor

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I missed angst so much! Btw, I am proud of the seulyong stories! I am reading some of them. Plug your Seulyong stories here!

ps: this is just a short one


"U-Unnie—" Teary-eyed seulgi reached out for Irene's hug as soon as they met inside the practice room. Irene wrapped Seulgi against her and tried to console the younger, "Shhhh—It'll be fine. Just trust me."

"I-I don't k-know..." Seulgi shakily confessed. "Taeyong's been calling m-me for minutes now. Yong is so mad at me right now."

Irene heaved a sigh. She can't do anything rather than giving an advice. She looked up and observed the practice room's pretty lights. The room was quiet but not for long since Seulgi's cries echoed throughout the room. "I-I know that he's been so passionate about it."

"Do you want me to talk to him—" Irene paused when her phone vibrated. Seulgi automatically separated herself from the older, heart beating from anxiety. "I-Is that Taey—"

"It's Sooyoung." Irene replied and answered the phone. "Hello? Yeah, I've heard."

Seulgi guiltily stares at Irene. I didn't mean for this to happen. I am so sorry for my reveluvs. I just can't stand those swirling rumors around Taeyong.

"Thank you. I'll meet you outside." Irene ended the call.

"W-What did she say?"

"Taeyong talked with Lee Soo Man," Irene started. She honestly doesn't know how to bring this up. "I-I know that you don't want to but I think that it's best for you two to talk."

"W-With Lee Soo Man?"

Irene gave Seulgi a weak beam. "No seul, Taeyong."

Hearing that made Seulgi's heart to skip a beat. I really regret that day. "Unnie, I can't—"

Seulgi stopped talking when both of them heard a loud knock on the door.

"Irene Unnie—" Seulgi grew pale. She really doesn't want to talk to Taeyong right now. But does she ever have a choice?

"Shhh..." Irene quietly stood up before slightly bending down, grabbing Seulgi's jaw lightly. "Both of you must make a decision. I'll be waiting outside. Be strong Seul." Those were the leader's last words before Taeyong steps inside.

Seulgi spared Lee Taeyong a glanced. He looked tired but still handsome with his plain white shirt and black pants. Seulgi remained seated. She doesn't want to argue with him nor talk. All that she wants is to shrink down and die.

"Seul." He called out her name. Seulgi felt that she was getting a louder tachycardia. She heaved a huge sigh before answering, "H-Hey."

Taeyong doesn't even know what to feel at this moment. What will he choose?

"I talked with the representatives," Taeyong sat beside her; eyes looking straight forward the wall. "They're trying to find a way to delete that clip and the reports. SM will be releasing a statement later."

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