The End of a Competition

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I don't know why but this chapter is also only in Athena's point of view. After this chapter, the story will be based more on Poseidon and Amphititre. Please vote and comment if you like this chapter.

The entire population of the city was gathered in the square. Poseidon seemed like he was in a hurry and that he had, for the first time, something to get to. He went first. Calling on his powers, we could hear a rumbling in the distance. Slowly, along the edge the city, a ditch began to form. Immediately I knew what his gift would be but that it would be a mistake. The ditch began to fill with lots of water and it turned into a huge river.

All the citizens rushed towards the river, filling the buckets with water. The joyous celebrations were terminated when someone drank some of it and immediately spit it out. Then Poseidon realised that his water would always be salty.

Apologising profusely, he got rid of the river with a huge crack forming and getting rid of the water. Very soon, there was no difference to where the river once run.

I knew that this was bound to happen. I called on my powers and put soil on the centre of the square. Then I created a sprout which, with the help of me, grew into a perfect olive tree.

The people tentatively went to try the olives, clearly disappointed with the result they got from Poseidon, who was still not very focused. I wondered what had happened to his fiery spirit from the start of this competition.

Soon most of the olives had been plucked from the tree, but since the tree was from me, the olives grew again almost immediately. I could see the delight on people's faces when they obviously found the fruit delicious.

The king himself seemed to be enjoying the olives, and the ministers knew that it would mean great business for the city. It looked like they had made their decision.

King Cecrops stood onto the podium and proclaimed,

'From now on, Athena, goddess of war and wisdom, shall represent our incredible city. The city will be called Athens.'

The crowd cheered with joy and Cecrops thanked Poseidon and I before we left for Olympus. I knew that I was going to win this competition so I'm sure the other gods were not surprised at all.

I just had to try and find out about Poseidon. Something could be written from back in the Titan age.I needed to know what was the sudden change in his behaviour. I do suspect that it did have something to do with the Fates and our meeting with them.

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