First Day as a Ruler

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I opened my eyes. And immediately shut them. Too much light. Once I adjusted to it, I figured that I wasn't in my room. Poseidon was next to me, fast asleep.

I went to my room and got into some clothes. Deciding to check on who was still here, I went to the main hall. The moment I entered, I gasped. There was a mess. Everything was broken or scratched.

The servants noticed me and immediately bowed. I told them there was need for that, and asked,

'What has happened here?'

Someone answered,
'We don't know. We had cleaned up and retired for the night but woke up to this.'

I wanted to help but the moment I touched a table everything went back to how it should it have been. It was a god's work.

Dismissing everyone, I asked Lyra to give me a tour of the palace. She took me first to the west wing, where the kitchens are. Finally a chance for me to meet the head cook.

We had a long chat about recipes and new equipment.

Once I was at my new study, from which I would do all my work for the ruler. A woman, her name was Cara I think, who was going to help me entered the room. She started to explain how anyone with problems could either come to the palace or send in a message.

It took me two hours to go through them because clearly Poseidon wasn't awake yet. When I went to get a glass of water, I got a huge shock when I saw Poseidon standing there with a huge smirk on his face.

'Thanks for doing my work for me.'

'You can do the rest, thank you very much.'

I woke up to see that Amphititre was awake and had disappeared. Belen,  my most loyal servant, told me of the mysterious god who had caused incredible damage in the main hall. Amphititre and I will visit Olympus soon  and we would address this issue then.

When I reached my study, I looked inside hers. She had taken all of my work and done most of it.

I told her that I would do the rest and she could do anything she wanted now.

Later, I took her outside.

'You can control water now,' I told her.

'I can do what?'

'You are now queen of the seas. Of course you can do what I can. I'm going to try and help you control your powers. See that pond over there.'

She nodded.

'Focus on it. Try to make the water move.'

After a couple of goes, she was able to form ripples. She seemed so enchanted by it.

Before long, we had to prepare for the next trip. To the 'greatest place in the world.' Olympus.

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