The Battle- II

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The entire place was empty and dark. There were many doors but they all were open. Clearly, these were the weapon rooms where the Titans got ready. I picked up a sword and shield and continued moving.

I finally got myself to the only closed door in this maze of a base.  I kicked it down and looked around.

At the far wall was a table to which Amphititre was chained. I couldn't believe how bad she looked, completely battered and bruised.

I ran towards her but just when was a few metres away I got bounced back by an invisible wall.

I stood up and saw Aphrodite in front of me.


'Yes me.'


'Because I'll finally get my revenge on the Fates for pairing me up with Hephaestus.'

'You can't kill her.'

'I know, but you can't get her either.'

I flew into a rage and rushed at her but she simply went behind her invisible shield.

'The only way to get rid of it is to kill me. And you know that you can't.'

That's where I caught her. Only one god can get rid of immortality. I taunted her,

'If you think so then stop being a coward and come out.'

I projected our conversation to every gods mind.

She stepped out from her protected zone. I whirled my trident at her and pinned her to the ground.

'You will die!'

I flung her to the other side, as far away from Amphititre as possible. At that moment, Thanatos entered and grabbed Aphrodite.

'You forgot about him, didn't you?'

'He's meant to be locked away,' she spluttered.

'Sure, he wreaks utter devastation but we do need that.'

At that moment, Thanatos had had enough,  and put his sword into her. This sword could remove immortality immediately. Her blood lost its glow and turned to the normal colour of red.

Now that the shield was down, I rushed to Amphititre and got rid of everything that kept her locked. The chains stung and that was clearly why she couldn't use her powers.

I picked her up and examined her. She was alive but barely. She opened her eyes and stared at me, trying to speak, but tiredness got the better of her.

I heard the door open and looked to see a powerful Titan, Oceanus' right hand man, pointing a sword at me.

I turned, with my back to him to shield Amphititre and braced myself for an impact. But nothing came.

Thanatos had unfurled his wings. The Titan was also gotten rid of.

We exited the building to see everyone waiting for us. Immediately, Apollo was at my side and began tending to her wounds.

'They are all locked away. Aphrodite is yours to do whatever of.'

I teleported to Tartarus with Hades at my side. I left Amphititre in Apollo's care.

Aphrodite stood in front of us, cowering.

'You are no longer goddess of love, but just a mere mortal. Eros now has your powers.'

And we sent her off to have a life of horrendous eternity.


A few days later
When I woke up, I thought to see the face of Aphrodite again but thankfully it was Poseidon. I could barely move my arms and legs, they were completely numb.

'You've been out for three days.'

'What happened?'

My voice was hoarse from disuse.

'Aphrodite has you trapped but she has been imprisoned.'

'Is she gone forever?'

He nodded.

I stared into his blue eyes.

'Thank you Poseidon; for everything.'

The next chapter will be the last one!

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