Chapter 5: Maria Schufashe Heÿi

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Just a note: if you are Russian, please do not be offended by me using your language. In fact, if you were Russian, then you'd  have to know English or how to read it to read this book. But anyways, do not be offended, it was not meant to be done on purpose.

Thank you!



Chapter 5: Maria Schufashe Heÿi

Lucy's POV

The chief's old slanted eyes widened in horror. His wrinkles on his face crumpled as his eyes widened.

"W-What?! Are you sure?!! No one could have s-stolen it!" he exclaimed. Minerva shook her  head.

"No, it was gone." she said.

"But there was a piece of paper inside." said Gray, causing the old man to stop running around in circles and look at him.

"Paper? I don't remember putting paper in there! What did it say?" asked Ayuza.

"All it had was Maria Schufashe Heÿi. Can you identify who or what this person was?" I asked. The man nearly had a heart attack. Thanks to Yukino and Rufus holding the man down and Rogue pouring a bucket of ice cold water on him, he relaxed.

"Well, I believe I must tell you a story........the story of our village." said the man, as he wiped water from his face, "Sit down."

"Hai." we said together, as we all sat on benches in the center. Ayuza was the only one standing.

"Long ago, our village was considered to be very powerful. People didn't necessarily feared us, because we were good people. Our power was not meant to harm but to  help. 'Maria', is the title given to people in the village who were the most powerful. These people were also very important, as they were the source of our strength. Because of them, we were able to help people. In that group of 'Marias', one person stood out the most. This person was stronger than everyone else, even I." explained the chief, as he took a sip of water.

"So this person was kind of like a prodigy of the village?" asked Erza.

"Yes. This woman was referred to as 'The highest of Maria.' She was very cold, but she did help us. When Percy gave us the necklace to hold, this 'Maria' began to change. She became more ruthless, and only sought forbidden ways to get stronger. This woman's name was Schufashe Heÿi. Her first name is Heÿi, because we put her surname first. Usually, 'Maria' is put in front of her name because she was so important." said Ayuza.

Everyone was ridiculously interested in the story. I myself, was very intrigued. Never have I before been so interested in a story like this. Something about this 'Maria' was interesting.

"How did she look?" asked Wendy.

"She was not fat or ugly. She was actually......normal. She had black hair and blue eyes. And she was very young that time too! About fifteen. She's Russian just like me, but I used a very ancient language to seal up the necklace, something that she can't do because I'm older. I've been through many generations and the language has developed. My style is old." he said.

Wow. She was so young yet so strong. But if she was fifteen that time, then she's probably in her mid thirties or something. But that also means that the girl studied the olden language if she wanted to unlock that safe.

"Hey, this happened a short while ago, right?" I asked.

"Oh no child! Our village left about two centuries ago." said Ayuza. Everyone jaw-dropped to the floor. This old man was over two hundred years old! And in fact......for them to be alive?! And we didn't even know!

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