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Put music on loop , -Snowstormjinx

this time it's a GaaMatsu fic again~~~

warning: there will be lemons later (though I'm a little bad on it) and there are little OOCness~~

disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and the plot and other scenes are not based on the movie.

Ever since the end of the Shinobi World War, Matsuri saw the lifeless body of the ninjas and the other people who sacrificed themselves for the sake of their own village and the world. She never knew that there would be destruction before everyone got their own peace.

With that reason, Matsuri made a mental note to herself- she will train hard, very hard. She will become stronger for the sake of the ones who sacrificed themselves and to show her former sensei- Gaara that she have changed for the better.

Matsuri made a letter and placed it on her bed. She packed all of her things and went out then locked the door. She left the village and who knows when she would be coming back.

It's been three years since Matsuri left and ever since she left, the Sand siblings had its own effects on them. Temari misses being annoyed at Matsuri's fangirling tendencies. Kankuro got bored since Matsuri was not there to lighten up the atmosphere at the Kazekage's office and lastly, Gaara was worried about her since she was alone when she left the village.

"Maybe something bad happened to her while she was training hard." he thought one day. But, he have a strong faith regarding with his former student and he knows that she could handle herself without him around.

So he just returned to his daily routine which makes him bored as hell.

It was another day for Gaara to go into his office and sign the large stack of papers on his desk. While doing his paper works, there was a knock on the door. He told the person to come in and once the door opened, he saw that it was none other than his older sister, Temari.

"What is it, Temari?" Gaara asked, still signing the paper in front of him.

Temari handed him an invitation. He eyed the invitation and it said that it was from the Wind Daimyo who was inviting him to the debut of his daughter. He was wondering why the daimyo would invite him when he doesn't even know who his daughter is. He looked at Temari but her face just showed confusion.

"Where did you get this?" Gaara asked, still eyeing the invitation.

"I got it from Sari. When she handed it to me, it's like there's something in that party." Temari said.

"What do you mean?" Gaara asked again.

"It looks like someone in that party needs our help. That explains Sari's nervous and unsettled expression before." Temari explained.

"Then, let's go to the party. Tell that to Kankuro so that we could prepare." Gaara said.


Temari left the office and Gaara got back to his paper works. Somehow, Gaara had a bad feeling about the party. It feels like something bad will happen but he just brushed it off and went to signing his papers.

Since the invitation indicated to wear formal Japanese attire, the Sand Siblings wore their kimono. Temari wore her violet furisode, Kankuro- without his make-up in his black kimono with hakama and dark haori while Gaara wore his red one with hakama and dark haori. They all went to the party which was not too far from the Kazekage mansion. They also brought their weapons just in case something happened.

When they finally entered the gate of the house, the servants and the people welcomed them. Gaara was happy to receive attention from them but nowadays he found it annoying since he still crave for the people to greet him as equal as them but at least they don't treat him the way like they did before.

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