Not Worth Talking #6

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They talk, they talk, they talk. There's no breath in between, no pause, no thoughts. They speak what they want and what they believe they know, even thought their ignorance is bigger and more complex that the words they spill out. I hardly heard them rambling like idiots about subjects none of them know nothing about but "surprisely" have an opinion on. And I, just sat there, try to keep myself silent so I wouldn't be able to make any remark of their idiocity.

The white haired and chubby man turned around and looked at me right through the eyes, I felt my body shake as I moved my head to the other side to avoid eye contact.
-Young lady, hear me out.- he spoke in his best posh british accent, slowly I turned my head around and glared at his face, in all my years I've never seen such a bad actor, I could see right through all of them without none noticed and he, well he was the worst of all, trying to act elegant and cultural know-all. Ha! if he only could see himself in a mirror... maybe he'd realized how stupid his reflect would be.
-What uncle Peter?- I asked cold as always, glaring with swards in my eyes to his.
-You should leave that computer thing of yours, is really bad- oh here we go -and you know why?- asked pointing me with his fork and frowned look -the light of that thing is bad for your sight, it takes away from you all subjects you could use in a conversation and it also difficults your capacity to socialise- he finished his words with curving his lips up without it being an actual smile and taking a giantic piece of meat to his mouth. I glared at him in silence for a few seconds contemplating the idea of dragging his ass or not. It was a family dinner after all. I thought my words wisely trying to not use any swear in between my sentences and not sound disrespectful but still strong enough in my words so he wouldn't speak a word to me what it rested of the night.

-Thank you uncle for your unwanted advice but I won't stop using my "computer thing", which is called a laptop by the way. I'm 100% aware that the brightness of the screen could ruin my sight but for it I use it at a good distance and always having a light next to me. Second, I have thousands of subjets to comment in a conversation like we can talk about the school pressure in nowdays students', 75% of us have anxiety and low self steem bacause of it. Also how we don't talk about the muslims being blamed for actions they don't commit, people says they're behind the terrorists attacks and that's so damn stupid! None religion seeks violence nor hate, it's the fear people feel about something new what leads them to make this kind of actions. I'm not saying that there are not any muslim behind it, probably there are but it's not because their religion tell them to, no. If they decide to do it is all on them. And of course we can't pass by the discussion of how after all these years there are countries that still haven't legized any LGTBQ+ right! We're in 2017 and people keep dying, being violating, thrown out of their houses only beacause they love or want to be someone that a fucking book says it's wrong, huh?- I made a pause without stop looking deep into his eyes in my serious expression, he stays silent knowing there was part left.
-And third, even if I wanted to be the most sociable person in the whole universe I can't, 'cause if you being my uncle had payed any attention to me you'd know that I'm an introvert socially inept that has social anxiety, which makes me lack the hability of socilize properly-.

Nobody said a word afterwards, they'd never spected that the silent one in the family could say so many words of once nor say something in the way I did. Finally I smiled to him and stood up leaving the table and walking to my bedroom where I took my computer and start writing the thousands of worsds that I delete from my mouth minutes before. There were even more words I wanted to say but you know, I didn't want them to stay silent forever.

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