Excerpt #7

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-Have you ever been in love?- asked Cassie penetrating me with her big and shiny blue eyes, I looked at her eyes wide open. I've never really thought about it trough. I closed my eyes and remembered all the relationships I've ever had. The heart breaking ones, the meaningless ones, the ones which still make me feel butterflies in my stomach.

-I'd say three times- slowly started to say -Maybe once can't really count as real love. We were young and didn't know what being in love really means, it was more like a shallow relationship. We were together just because we didn't want to be alone with ourselves- finishing my words I let the memory of my first love fly away.
-Then the next one was, but it wasn't a happy love. The times we hurt each other were even more than the times we were talking peacefully and laughing until our stomachs hurt- I said with a single tear rolling down my cheek. Cassie took my hand apologizing with her eyes for made me cry, I smiled at her telling her that I was okay. With the sparkle in her eyes I said goodbye to my second love.

-The third time is the best one ever- I openly smiled showing my teeths. -Real, true, requited love. Always joking and laughing with meaningful talks and intense butterflies constantly flying in my stomach. The best feeling I've ever had- Cassie smiled sweetly, I think that she was imagining how it would feel like -the best of all is that it didn't come because I was looking for it, it came on it's own in the shape of my best friend. And everything that happened, happened because it was meant to do it-.

I looked at my back and there was my best friend smiling at me as always, with just that look I fell in love for fourth time.

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