Too Young Too Fall In Love

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you woke up the next morning drenched in sweat and a head ache.

what a perfect way to start the day...

you go downstairs and see Mick and Tommy sitting on the couch.

"hey where's the others?" you ask.

"oh Nikki stayed the night as his girlfriend's place last night and Vince left early this morning to 'clear his head'" Tommy chuckles.

"oh okay just wondering," you sigh, feeling the need to talk to Vince about what happened last night.

you drag yourself into the kitchen and hear the phone ring from the living room. you hesitate to see if one of the guys will get it and a second later you hear Tommy's voice say "hello?"

"are you f*cking with me right now?? OH MY GOSH WE'RE ON OUR WAY!!!!!!" Tommy yells at the phone then slamming it onto the receiver and grabbing the keys.

"what the f*ck is going on?!" you scream, running to Tommy.

Tommy looked at you with teary eyes and tries to croak out what was going on, "your-st in -pital," he fails to say.

"whatever it is, we need to find out now because it sounds urgent!" Mick shouts.

you, Mick, and Tommy run down to the garage and pile into Mick's car, Mick obviously taking the wheel.

"where are we heading, Tommy?!" Mick flails.

"hos-is al-" Tommy coughs.

"THE HOSPITAL?!" you scream, "WHAT THE F*CK HAPPENED?!?!?!"

Tommy nods his head and Mick tears out onto the pavement, taking off and racing to the hospital. the car ride was quick and stressful, Mick running every light and stop sign he came across, almost putting you in the hospital if anything bad had happened. once you got to the hospital you ran into the ER figuring that's where you would need to go and as you and the others were running in, a redhead was running out. It was Axl.

"oh my gosh, Axl! what is happening?!" you cry.

"dipsh*t didn't tell you?!" Axl yells, pointing at Tommy, who was panting next to Mick.

Tommy shrugs and tries to explain but Axl cuts him off.

"your little boyfriend came home bawling his eyes out last night and went in the bathroom, shot up some heroine, snorted coke, and smoked a joint all at the same time until he slammed on the floor," Axl says, showing no emotion.

"oh my God...this is all my fault," you fall to your knees and start crying uncontrollably, feeling as if your heart was being squeezed by a strong hand clenched into a fist.

Mick wraps his arm around your waist and attempts to carry you inside to see the other guys but you don't budge. Tommy goes on the other side and practically drags you inside. the rest of gnr was sitting in the corner of the waiting room, looking like hell, obviously tired from the night prior. Nikki bursts through the door and runs over to where everyone was and started asking questions.  Tommy plops you down onto an empty chair and sits on your left side. the others find seats and you wait for what feels like an eternity, realizing that Vince wasn't there. you were too tired and sad to ask why so you just slumped down into your chair until you heard a loud voice from the opposite end of the room.

"Steven Adler is ready to be seen now for anyone who wants to go to his room!!"

everyone jumped out of their seats and followed the lady down the hall into a small room. Steven was sitting up on his bed with cords, tubes, and an IV coming from his arms.

"baby are you okay?!" you rush over to Steven hugging him carefully.

"yeah i'm fine," he says in a tone you've never heard before. this was a voice of sadness and disappointment, something that Steven didn't show often.

time passed and everyone was sitting around the hospital room as the lady came back in.

"Mr. Adler, we are moving you to a room in a different part of the hospital so that we can make more room in the Emergency Room section," the lady says, calmly.

"okay," Steven smiles at the lady, showing part of his old self through his bright smile.

everyone followed as Steven was pushed in his bed down the hall to a different section.


it was 3:00am and everyone in the room was either on a chair, the bed, or the ground. you were the only one awake and looked around as you sat in the chair closest to the door. the door slowly began to open and you see Vince standing there looking around.

"sorry i'm late," he whispers, then looking over at you, he motions for you to come out into the hall with him.

oh God.

you walked over to him and looked up into his beautiful eyes. he locked his eyes to yours and it seemed like you two stared at each other forever, until he finally broke the silence.

"um...can we talk?" Vince whispers.

"yes please," you murmur.

Vince takes your hand and pulls you into the private waiting room.  this waiting room was different than the main one because it was an actual room with a door so if you closed it, that meant that there was something more serious going on and that the people in the room needed to be alone.  Vince closed the door and turned to you.

Vince just stared at you so you started, "what happened with us last night?"

"i don't know and i'm sorry, i jus-" Vince was cut off by Nikki opening the door to see you and Vince standing there, with barely any space between you two.

"why the f*ck are you guys in here?" Nikki says, tiredly.

"oh um...i was telling Vince what happened to Steven," you lie.

"yeah yeah because I was late and i didn't know what was going on until i checked my answering machine," Vince goes along with the lie.

"okay just wondering because i woke up and saw that Ali wasn't in the room and i got worried, but if you two are together then that doesn't worry me as much," says Nikki.

"yep everything is fine," Vince says, obviously trying to get Nikki to leave.

"well i think you two should sleep because we will have a busy day tomorrow and we don't know if Steven is going to get transported to another hospital or not so i would recommend getting some sleep," Nikki suggests.

"we don't need your input.  now go," Vince snaps.

"i guess someone REALLY needs some sleep here," Nikki chuckles, closing the door behind him.

"i am really tired Vince," you yawn, "i'm gonna go back to Steven's room, there's a chair that i am sleeping in."

you push past Vince and start to open the door and remember to ask, "oh yeah, what were you gonna say right before Nikki barged in?"

"oh um," Vince stutters, "i'll tell you tomorrow or whenever."

"okay," you say, too tired to make Vince tell you right that instant.

you walk back to the room and plop down into the chair, Vince following you in there and taking a seat on the floor up against the wall.  you begin to doze off and your thoughts consume you.

i wonder what Vince was really gonna say?

hey guys sorry i haven't been active in forever.  i started high school about 2 weeks ago so i've been extremely busy and it's going to be very difficult to update! please keep reading though, I promise I'll finish this book eventually :) i love y'all and i hope you enjoyed this chapter❤️

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