Dr. Feelgood

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the sound of soft voices filled the room as your eyes fluttered open to all of the guys talking to Steven but in quiet voices.

"SHE'S AWAKE" Tommy yells, making the room louder and more like home.

"we already ate breakfast but you can still go down with someone and get something," Mick says.

"oh okay thank you," you say, stretching.  you began to push yourself from the chair that you had fallen asleep in and rose to your feet.

you left the room and walked slowly down the hall, taking in the details. suddenly you hear footsteps behind you and Vince catches up to you, giving you company.

"hey Vince," you smile.

"hey," he says quietly, looking ahead, showing no emotion.

"so, um," you start, "you know how we were gonna talk last night about..."

"the kiss?" Vince cuts in.

"yeah...that..." you stammer, "um what was that for anyway?"

"well i-i..." Vince struggles, "i don't know i g-g-guess i kinda l-li-"

"you like me?" you help.

"yeah a little bit..." Vince blushes, pretending to be concentrated on where you guys were heading to.

*Vince's P.O.V*

okay so I like her but so what? she loves Steven and I'll never be as good as him, he's always so happy and I can't control my jealousy of him and Ali...it tears me apart.

you were lost in thought about your major crush on Ali.

if only i had told her before Steven swooped in and snatched her away from me. i have to get her back, even if she wasn't actually mine before.

you saw Ali's eyes flutter open and your heart started to pound tremendously because you knew you had to tell her why you kissed her a few nights back. Ali said a few words and then left the room.

"oh i'll help her find the cafeteria!" you say, trying to play it cool.

you rushed up from behind Ali and started walking with her.

"hey Vince," she smiled.

oh God, that beautiful smile.

"hey," you say, trying to cover up your emotions.

"so, um," she starts, "you know how we were gonna talk last night about..."

"the kiss," you blurt, embarrassed.

"yeah...that..." she replied, "what was that for anyway?"

"well i-i," you struggle, "i don't know i g-g-guess i kinda l-li-"

"you like me?" Ali says, obviously knowing what you were struggling to say.

"yeah a little bit..." you blush, trying to pretend to be focused on the direction you were heading.

"why?" Ali asks, innocently.

you stopped and turned to her. she turned to you. her eyes burning into yours.

"because you're everything i ever wanted and more. you're the most beautiful girl i've ever laid eyes on and you aren't a whore like every other girl i've had a crush on," you explain.

"really?" she started to blush.

"of course," you smile, "i'd never ever lie to you."

she shifted uncomfortably away from you and said, "but i cant feel the same...i'm with Steven..."

"i know and that's fine but i needed you to know," you sigh.

why does Steven have to ruin this?! i want her all to myself and i cant because she loves Steven and Steven loves her.

"well...um we should probably just get our breakfast now," Ali says awkwardly.

"uhh yeah," you reply.

great now everything is gonna be awkward. why didn't i just keep my stupid mouth shut?!


the day went by very long and boring. just sitting in the hospital room listening to doctors talk about Steven's condition and how we need to keep an eye on him about his drug use. Steven wasn't getting out of the hospital for another week and he was gonna have to do some community service for another week after that since he had been involved with illegal drugs. he was lucky that he was getting off so easy. but no one was gonna get to see him for the next two weeks.

*Ali's P.O.V*

everyone was home now, except Steven, and you had decided to stay at the Crüe's house for the next two weeks. Mandi was going to stay at Gnr's house because she was basically glued to Duff's side now.

when you got home, you ran upstairs and collapsed onto your bed, resting you eyes.  you laid there for a good 10 minutes until you felt someone sit down, making you roll to the edge of the bed where the person was sitting.  your head hit the person's leg and you opened your eyes to see Vince looking down at you.

"uh hi," you say shyly, "how may i help you?"

"well i just came up here to talk," Vince smiles.

"about what?" you say, dumbly.

"well i don't know i guess about feelings and stuff," Vince replies, shyly.

"well what feelings do you need to talk about then?" you say, sitting up to face him.

"the ones i have for you..." Vince looks down.

"Vince...please," you sigh, "you can't sa-"

"i cant say that i have feelings for you, i know," he speaks up, "but i can sure as hell show you them."

before you could speak, Vince's lips were locked with yours.  his lips moved in rhythm to yours and you caught yourself beginning to enjoy it.  something about the way he was kissing you felt so special.  you had to have more.  he moved his hands to your cheeks and leaned you back to where you were laying on the bed.  he hovered over top of you and rested his hands next to you on the bed.  your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to you.  his warm body on yours.  he slipped his tongue on you bottom lip, you let him in for entry.  now your tongues were dancing in harmony.  his kisses trailed from your mouth to your neck and he began to give you a hickey.  you let out a faint moan, obviously turning him on.  his fingers laced around yours and your hands moved up above your head, while you were still lying on the bed.

you slowly started to feel guilty.  you were cheating on Steven!  how could you let this happen?!

what have i done?

hey y'all!! sorry that i was gone forever.  updates are gonna be more rare since school is back in session.  but don't worry, that means that ideas are more likely to flow in!!  anyway i hoped you enjoyed and who's side are you on?  Steven or Vince?  honestly i cant decide for the story!!

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