"I just want to cuddle with you and forget all my problems."

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"I just want to cuddle with you and forget all my problems."

"Valentin." Sharna whined as she looked at her husband.

"Yes princess?" He said looking over at her to see what was wrong. It was a Saturday night and they had spent the majority of the day working on anniversary plans for Maks and Petas 10th wedding anniversary.

"None of these places can do the food for us." She said in mass defeat.

"None of them?!" Val said in pure shock.

"None. They either have another event that same day or aren't open that time period. None of them. I checked with all 10 options we had picked."

"Oh, well no, that's not okay. Do you want me to see if we can get one of them to cave? We don't really have many other options since those places were the only places that accommodated everything we needed."

"I suppose so? I mean maybe you can swoon someone into something, you're a better sweet talker than me."

"That's why you married me huh?" Val said with a wink.

"Exactly. Okay, I'm moving caterers over to your list."

"Alright and take off dj and photo booth. I got both of those lined up. The same people who did their wedding agreed to do the anniversary."


"Momma, daddy, I need you." A sad sleepy voice sounded from the top of the stairs.

"Dang it." Sharna said softly. Alyse, their 4 year old daughter had recently begun to have nightly nightmares. Some nights she'd wake up in pure terror, some just a little upset, and a little of everything in between those. They had spent a lot of time talking that day and Sharna had hoped that maybe the nightmares would stop.

"Lets go." Val said shifting the laptops and Sharna's planner to the coffee table. Then he reached out and held his hand out to her.

"We're coming sweet girl." Sharna said as they started up the steps. Alyse was standing at the top of the stairs holding her purple blanket and her polar bear. Her cheeks had light tear stains on them.

"Daddy." Alyse said dissolving back into tears as she held her hands up for her dad to pick her up.

"It's okay sweet heart. Mommy and I are both right here. You're safe." Val said as he cuddled her tightly. Her arms went into a vice grip around his neck. Alyse had finally told them that her nightmares typically centered on a man trying to take her away from them. Both Sharna and Val were beyond concerned considering that topic or issue had never even been something they spoke about. Alyse hadn't even seen any movies where something remotely similar had happened.

"You stopped him but he tried to hurt momma this time too." She said as she reached a hand out to Sharna.

"Oh baby, that must have been so scary, but it wasn't real okay? I'm right here and you're right here and daddy is right here."

"I know but I didn't liked it at all. I had to watch while he hurted you momma." Alyse said as she shuddered in Val's arms. Val looked at his wife in alarm, that was a new development in her nightmares.

"Come here baby. We've got you. I promise nothing like that is going to happen ever." Sharna said as Alyse wrapped her arms and legs around Sharna almost as if she were a monkey.

"I, I don't wanna go back to sleep." Alyse whimpered into Sharna's shoulder. Val's hand ran up and down her back.

"I know angel, it's too early to not sleep anymore though. You have to try to sleep some more. How about we take you to our bed?" Val suggested.

"You'll both stay with me and hold me?" She asked as she looked up into her fathers eyes.

"Always baby, always." Val said. And with that they headed into their room and got Alyse tucked in between them. This had almost become the normal lately after the nightmares however very rarely she did go back to sleep in her own bed. After a good hour of talking and cuddles, she drifted back to sleep curled into her mother with her feet pressed into her father.

"What are we gonna do?" Sharna said looking at her husband.

"I guess we take her to someone. Everything that we've researched isn't working and we can't let her continue this. It's going to start affecting her more and more. She already has a hard time leaving us unless it's Maks & P. Preschool starts in 3 months and we wanted her to get that socialization but we can't do that to her with all this going on."

"You're right, we can't. I guess that's our only option." Sharna said in defeat.

"Babe." Val said softly.

"What? You can't fix this one."

"I know and I wish I could. I would in a hot second."

"I know. So tomorrow we call around and find somewhere to take her?" Sharna said half a statement and have a question.


"I should go write thah down. Not like we'll forget but still. And I should get ready for bed...." She trailed off mid sentence.

"But?" Val asked hearing the hesitation in her voice.

"But I just want to cuddle with you and forget all my problems." She said as she curled around Alyse for a second.

"Well, I don't think I can make you forget but I can definitely help with the first part." Val said as he shifted away from Alyse, moving to Sharna's side of the bed. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled Her into him. He felt her sigh slightly as she gripped his hand tightly. He was right, he couldn't make her forget all the obligations she had coming up with the party and he definitely couldn't make her forget her baby girls nightmare problems but he could cuddle her and that would ultimately help tenfold.

**Thats a wrap on this one! The response from you guys on these have been amazing! Dont forget to like this one up and let me know what you thought. Love you guys! Xx

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