Be Careful My Darlings

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"Be careful, my darlings. There are people out there who taste like fireworks and bliss but leave ashes and warning in the aftertaste of their kiss." – Nikita Gill

"Mom! Can we go out with Tia and Cora tonight?" Aria asked her mother once she and her sister got home from school.

"We'll have to talk to your dad first but we can see. Do you know what you'll be doing? This is new though Aria, you guys haven't spent time with them before." Peta said as she followed her twin daughters into the house. The girls were in 8th grade this year coming in at 12 years old each. They were the last two children Maks and Peta had. Shai was now 19 and in his first year of college. Their daughter had come 2 years after Shai, Mia, was 17 and in her junior year. Kyle, had come almost immediately after Mia and was now 16 in his sophomore year of high school. They had tried for years after Kyle to have more one child but it didn't seem to be in the cards. Then when they had given up hope, they were given the gift of Aria & Leia. They were born early and things were touch and go for a bit but now both girls were thriving. They were both in gymnastics & cheerleading at school. Aria was the outgoing twin, bouncy, pleasant, energetic, just an all-around happy girl. Then there was Leia, out of all the Chmerkovskiy kids, she was the shyest and quietest. If it wasn't for Aria, she would probably be a bookworm and in the math club. Both things that Peta and Maks would have been just as proud of.

"Umm, I think hanging out at Tia's. Her parents let her finish their basement into a spot where she can hang out with her friends." Aria explained.

"Alright, Dad should be home in an hour. We'll talk to him. Leia, you good with going?" Peta said as she looked at Leia who looked slightly put off at going to Tia's.

"It's fine. Ar wants to go, I'll go too." She said with a shrug. Peta had figured that would be her answer but she was slightly hoping for something different.

"Alright baby. You two need to do any homework you have now then. I know its Friday but we have Aunt Jenna's birthday on Sunday, and you two have the cheer competition tomorrow." Peta reminded them.

"Alright mom, I'm going to my room to do mine." Leia said heading out.

"Okay baby." Peta said turning to look at Aria. "So you gonna tell me where this new found friendship in Tia & Cora came from?"

"They are in our science class at school." Aria said with a shrug as she got an apple out of the fridge.

"And why haven't I ever heard about them before." Peta pressed. She knew who Tia was, her parents lived on the upper class side of their town. The family was notably snotty and Peta wasn't too keen on letting the girls go over there, however, she did believe in letting them make their own decisions safely.

"I don't know, I guess we just haven't talked to them before. We're kind of from different crowds."


"Mom, why so many questions?" Aria said with a look that said she was two steps away from getting sassy.

"Because I'm your mother and I'm allowed. Now dial back the attitude or you won't be going because you'll be grounded and doing laundry instead."

"Sorry. I just, it's important to me. Tia and Cora are from the cool crowd. They have the best seats everywhere, the most fun, just everything." Aria said as she flopped onto the bar stool next to her mother.

"Aria, honey, you do know that doesn't mean anything in the real world." Peta said gently. She was trying to figure out how to broach this subject with her sassy child. They really hadn't run into it in the past with the other kids. They had always been extremely well off as a family but they raised the kids to value and appreciate everything. Not all parents went with the same game plan in life.

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