Fall Apart

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"All she ever needed was someone to hold her close together when she's about to fall apart."

~So cheating on this one. I had a rough day at work and in my extremely minimally limited love life. And right now this is all I want. So since I can't have it since I'm trapped in a hotel room alone...I'm writing it.

I pulled into the driveway of my house and just rested my head on the steering wheel. The tears that had fallen down my cheeks the whole way home, started to drip onto my knees. Frustrated with myself and the world, I growled loudly at no one in particular. I was spent and just didn't even want to move from the car but at the same time, just want to curl up in bed and just sob out whatever emotion I was feeling.

After what felt like forever, I decided I couldn't sit in the driveway any longer. I dragged my body in the house only to be met by my ecstatically jumping puppies who were waiting to go out. I groaned at having to wait on them but then thanked the heavens that I had finally moved into a house that had a backyard.

"Come on babies." I said corralling Duke and Daisy outside. They bolted through the screen door like they hadn't been outside in months. I decided against curling up on the sofa and went outside with them. They were thrilled I came and brought me their toys and chased my feet every which way. After I wore them down, we all headed in and I fed them their dinner.

"Okay you two, you're both fed, now it's momma's turn except momma isn't in the mood for anything." I murmured as I looked through the cupboards for something quick and easy. I knew with the dancing schedule I was on, I needed to eat but my emotional levels were also screaming just go curl up. Figure it out later. Daisy barked at me quickly almost as if she knew what was going on in my brain.

"Fine. I'll eat." I said as I settled on pretzels and hummus with a smoothie. Not the healthiest of meals but hey, it works. I dropped into the corner of the sofa and both puppies immediately curled up with me. Duke on one side, Daisy on the other. Neither were beggers thank goodness because I wouldn't be able to stand those faces however I knew it wasn't smart either.

"Fuck! Val!" I yelped realizing that I forgot to text my boyfriend. I groaned and eased myself up off the couch. Duke and Daisy lazily followed along behind me almost as if they knew I was beat and that I shouldn't be left alone. I found my phone in my bag that I had dropped to the floor upon entering the house and headed back to the couch. I groaned as I realized I had 2 missed calls and 5 missed texts. Now this may sound like a crazy boyfriend but he knew the state I left work in and he had asked me to let him know I made it home so he was probably worried. Rather than text him, I decided to call him.

"Sharna May, did you make it home alright?" His voice echoed in the phone. "You're not hurt are you??"

"I'm fine babe, I'm fine. I'm sorry." I said softly in the phone. His voice and concern brought tears to my eyes.

"It's okay. I was just worried. How are you?" He asked his voice calming down immensely.

"I....I'm fine." I said as tears clogged my throat. This whole ordeal was stupid. Work ideas, work things, they were just that, just work. I needed to learn to leave those things at work and stop letting them get to me.

"You're lying." He said almost immediately. He could read me like a book. He always had been able to even before we got together.

"I'm not, I'm fine. I just need sleep."

"That last sentence is probably true but that doesn't mean that you're okay."


"Sharna May. Why don't I come over?" He said softly.

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