Your First, Your Last

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katieamazeballs (She's getting a second one from her requests since she just dealt with the wrath of Irma, I promise I'll spread the love to the rest of you all evenly here on out.)

"I may not be your first love, your first kiss, first sight, or first date but I just want to be your last everything."

"What am I going to do? How am I going to tell him this? The tour, the show, the new clothing line. Everything. The studios. Fuck!" She said pacing back and forth in her bathroom that she shared with her boyfriend of 3 years. "What if he, no he wouldn't do that. Would he, no, he wouldn't leave me. We've talked about this. We want this. We just didn't talk about it for right now. There's so much going on right now. How could we have? Oh my god. He is going to leave me. That's what's going to happen. I can't tell him this. I'll keep it a secret. I can do that, right? Can I do that. I can do that. It'll work. Oh my god, I don't even know if this is happening. I think I'm going to be sick."

"Beep, beep, beep." Went her cell phone letting her know that the timer she had set 5 minutes ago was finished however she felt that sickness rising quickly in her stomach and rather than looking at the stick which seemed to be mocking her, she spent the next few minutes bending over the toilet.

"Hey, hey, are you okay?" Val said appearing next to his girlfriend, he grabbed a bottle of water which was sitting on the counter next to her and a wash cloth. He knelt beside her and ran his hand up and down her back.

"Val, where, when, I thought...." She stammered realizing just how close he was to finding out.

"I got out early. Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well." He said getting ready to help her stand.

"No, no, I'm okay. I'm alright." She said pulling away from him not wanting to see what was on the counter. She knew from being with him for all of 3 years that he was going to help her to the sink and to brush her teeth. That damn stick was sitting directly next to the wash basin.

"Babe, you're as pale as they come, and you're shaking." Val said softly as he reached for her.

"I'm fine!" She snapped as she also became dizzy at the same time and grabbed the counter.

"No, you're clearly not." He said reaching for her again intending on making her brush her teeth and making her lay down with him.

"Fuck." She said as she caught glimpse of the positive sign on the stick. His eyes followed hers as he finally saw the stick sitting on the sink.

"Babe, is that? Is it? Are we?" He stammered letting go of the grip he had on her arm.

"I, yeah, I'm sorry. I know we weren't planning on it and we have so much going on. I mean, I'm on the pill Val. I don't know what happened. I'm sorry." She rambled as quickly as she could trying to fix the situation.

"Why, wait you're sorry?" He said confused.

"Yes. I mean we're not married for one. We're both at the height of our careers, your fashion line. We both have the show and the tour coming. How is this going to work, it's going to mess everything up. Our parents, oh my god. How do we even tell them? They are going to be so disappointed." She continued on and on. He froze for a moment before leaving her standing alone in the bathroom. She felt her heart sink to the bottom of her stomach. Her eyes filled with tears. This was it. This was the moment that everything in the world that she had ever wanted was going to slip away. She leaned against the counter and pressed her face into her hands as hot tears began to pour out.

"Princess." Val's voice startled her as she opened her eyes and saw him on one knee in front of her reaching for her hand.

"Val, what are you....."

"Sharna May Burgess, the last 3 years of my life have been some of the best years. Now this wasn't exactly how I planned on doing this. I wanted to be fancy, take you out, maybe go to the pier, surprise you with roses and then ask. But this, this is exactly what feels right and that's what's most important with us. Us, from the moment we started, has felt perfect. I may not be your first love, your first kiss, first sight, or first date but I just want to be your last everything. I want that because I know it's what's meant to be. I know that whatever life throws at us, we'll get through it together, because we're us. I love you Sharna May, i've loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. It just took sometime to get through my thick skull. But since then, we've been perfection. And that perfection is going to include this." He said reaching forward and resting his hand on her belly.

"Sharna May, will you do me the honor of being the last girlfriend I'll ever have by becoming my fiance and then my wife? Will you marry me?"

"Yes, Val, yes." She whispered out, shock filling her voice and body. He slipped the ring out of his pocket and slide it on her finger before standing up to meet her.

"I love you." He said before leaning in to kiss her.

"I love you too, so much. And guess what, you do get a first. You get to be my first and last husband." She said as she leaned in to kiss him once more.

9 months down the line found the couple in the hospital about to deliver their baby girl. Sharna had been pushing for what felt like ever to her but had been about 35 minutes.

"I can't. I can't do it anymore. She's just staying in there." She said collapsing back against Val who was sitting behind her. Her hands were clenched tightly in his as sweat dripped down her face.

"Yes, you can. Come on princess. A couple more and then she'll be here." Val encouraged. Sharna felt a surge of energy and aggression at her husband all at the same time.

"Fuck you. Remember when you thought you were being sweet and said you wanted to experience a bunch of lasts with me. Well I hope you enjoyed your last round of sex because I'm never allowing you to touch me again. How's that for a last? Owwww, fuck. Make it stop." Her yelling turned to whimpers as pulled his arms seemingly around her body trying to shield herself from the onslaught of pain.

"Come on Sharna, the head is out. Two more pushes and you'll be holding your baby girl." Dr. Abrahams coaxed.

"Come on princess, let's meet our baby." Val said as he pressed a kiss to her temple before bracing her up a little more. She screamed and pushed two more times before the screams that filled the room were no longer hers, they were the first screams of their baby girl. The next two hours were a flurry of motions as the baby was laid on Sharna's chest and the two were given time to meet their little girl. Then she was whisked away to be checked and cleaned up while Sharna finished and had the same experiences.

"Hi sweet girl." Val said once the hustle and bustle died down. The baby was tucked against her mother as the two rested. Val was sitting beside them, one arm around Sharna with the other under Sharna's arm holding the little one.

"Did we ever pick a name?" Sharna asked. The two had gone back and forth a thousand times on what they had wanted but had never formally agreed on a name.

"Alyse Lauren." Val whispered. It had been the name they had both kept coming back to but had never made it official.

"Alyse Lauren Chmerkovskiy. I love it." Sharna whispered. The little one opened her eyes and yawned gently looking briefly at her parents before snuggling in and falling back asleep. Sharna and Val opted to just remain there quiet as they enjoyed what would be their first child but certainly not their last.

**That's a wrap. :) Hope you guys loved it. I promise that starting tomorrow I'll get back to Fix You & Begin Again. I was visting family who is moving from New York to San Diego so while I was soaking up as much time as I could with them, we were also packing. Then my return home was met with lots of "I missed yous" and time settling back into home. In the meantime however, I hope you thoroughly enjoyed this one as much as I enjoyed writing it. Don't forget to like it up and let me know what you thought. And keep the quotes coming. These have been amazingly fun and challenging (we know I excel at length and lots of words lol) for me. I love you guys so much! Thank you for allowing me to share something I love with all of you and allowing me to grown and explore things at the same time. I will be forever grateful. XX

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