The Littlest Things

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"Sometimes the littlest things take up the most room in your heart."

katieamazeballs ps. I promise your other update is in the works.

"I can't believe she's here." Sharna said softly as she leaned against her husband while she looked down at the photo of Leia Jane Chmerkovskiy. She was Maks and Peta's second daughter with Shai and Dani being 5 & 3 respectively.

"She's so tiny." Noah breathed into her ear as he was mesmerized by the little girl as well.

"Maks said she's the tiniest one yet. Six pounds, two ounces. 18 inches."

"Wow, she's not that early is she?"

"Two weeks, but no. Can we go now?" Sharna asked wanting to see her friend and her newest niece.

"We can. We're picking up Shai & Dani tonight right? They are staying with us?" Noah asked as they headed downstairs.

"Yeah, so we should take my car. We already have Dani's seat in it from last night." Sharna said speaking of when they found out Peta was in labor. She and Noah had went and gotten the kids so that they could head to the hospital. They had spent the morning with Peta's parents however and were staying with Noah and Sharna again that night.

"Right, that's what I was going for. You want me to drive?"

"Yes please, I'm going to call Suzanne and let her know what we're doing. She was already at the hospital with the kids and was taking them for dinner and then back to her house."

"Alrighty, come on babe." Noah said as he opened the car door and let her get in before shutting it. The drive was short since they didn't live that far from the hospital. Once they were there, they signed in, got their visitor's badges and headed up to see the new family.

"Knock, knock." Sharna said peaking in slightly to see her best friend half asleep on the hospital bed.

"Come in." Maks whispered as he held a tiny bundle in his arms. Peta waved lazily as she caught Sharna's eyes with a sleepy grin.

"Ohhhh, she's so tiny." Sharna said abandoning Noah and moving to Maks.

"P..." Maks said looking at his wife. He didn't want to do introductions if she wanted too.

"Go ahead babe." Peta said with a wink.

"Sharna, meet Leia Jane Chmerkovskiy. Leia, meet your Godmother Sharna." Maks said as he transferred the little one over to Sharna's arms. Sharna knew ahead of time that she was going to be the godmother just like she had with Shai however the sound of the title never failed to make her heart swell with pride.

"Hi sweetheart. You are so precious already. I'm so excited to get to spoil you and love you. You've come into a pretty awesome family. We all are pretty fierce. You'll never have to worry about anything. Oh yeah, you're a sleepy one. You're going to be like your brother huh?" Sharna said with a grin as Leia snuggled into her aunt and then fell asleep. Shai had been exactly the same way whereas Dani had been alert and active and demanding. You could see that even at less than a day old, Leia was just like Shai as far as personalities were going to go.

Noah moved over to Sharna and they cuddled the little one together. They spent a few hours just spending time with the new addition and keeping the parents company before they headed to get Shai and Dani and heading home. They got pizza and had a movie night with the two who were slightly out of sorts since their parents were missing. Once they were out, they tucked them into the guest bed and headed to our room.

"Sooo...." Noah said as he curled up around Sharna's body and settled into her neck.

"Yes?" She said with a laugh.

"Let's have a baby."

"Excuse me?" She said sliding away from him and flipping over.

"Let's have a baby." He said again, this time with more conviction.

"Noah, where did this come from?"

"Well, Leia and you. You holding her. I know I have my kids but I want a kid with you Sharna. I want that with you. I've always wanted that with you."

"I know but right now?"

"Why not?"

"Are you sure this is legitimate and not just baby fever talking. Not that I don't want the same thing as you but I just want to make sure that you honestly want it too."

"I do baby. I do. I mean Leia may have jump started the desire or given me the motivation but at the same time, this is what I want. Let's do it."

"Oh yeah?" She said with a smirk making him laugh.

"This is what you want too right?" He said double checking. Her answer was to move over to him and press her mouth to his showing him that this was exactly what she wanted, baby fever or not. And to get that, they had to have some fun activities themselves.

**Okay loves, so I've been seriously missing for awhile now. The past 6 months of my life have been a legit and utter whirlwind in many ways. 2 years ago, I met a guy, he was amazing and we fell hard and quick well distance kept us from truly working so we ended horribly. However we kept falling back to each other. Well back in November he came back, and he's decided he's moving here and as of today he will officially be here by mid April so we can honestly see what life gives us. Fingers crossed it is as right as it feels it going to be. That's one whirlwind. Second whirlwind, two years ago, I started training at work however the company never bumped me up to an official trainer. I've spent the past two years working as a trainer not getting paid to be a trainer. Cut to about 6 weeks ago, they offered me the promotion, i took it. Two weeks later, some serious stuff came to light and with a ton of drama and backlash, I returned the promotion and I'm stepping down from training. It's been crazy and I know it's not going to stop but I finally feel like I'm going to get some time to write in again. Those of you who are still here with me, I love you all and I appreciate you, to be honest, you've all been on this past two years journey with me.  This, my writing, your responses, your requests, your encouragement has been one of my constants. And while you all supported me while I took my breather, I hope you'll all support me as I return. I can't promise I'll be consistent at first but I promise I'm back. I love you all and I appreciate you all so much!

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