My Everything

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"You are my everything, everything else is just everything else."


"Babe, I don't know that you should be going today."

"Valentin, we've been over this a hundred time. I have to go. It's the last day before break." Jenna said of her current work project. She was working on a production with a local performing arts school. She was the choreographer for the students for the winter production. The children however followed a different schedule than the regular academic calendar. They were going to be having a fall break starting tomorrow for 2 weeks.

"I get it, I just don't think its okay. You've barely slept these last few days. I honestly think you need to go to the doctor."

"Tomorrow, I promise. I'll be okay. I'll make it." She said as she felt her stomach grab in pain once more. For the past three days, she had been having sharp pains in her stomach. Sometimes they wrapped around and sometimes it was just stabbing. It got way worse when she laid down at night so she hadn't really been sleeping much at all.

"You're not going to cave on this are you?" He said finally relenting. He was seriously concerned about his girl. She was as pale as a dead person at the moment and she had bags from her lack of sleep. He was worried that if whatever was wrong didn't take over first, she was going to pass out from sheer exhaustion.

"No babe, I'm not. I'm sorry. I know you're worried but I'll be okay." She said moving over to him and wrapping her arms around him.

"Fine, I'll relent on one condition, well two."

"What's that?" She said as she settled into his chest feeling his voice vibrate in her ear.

"That you call me if you get worse. And that you let me go with you to the doctor tomorrow."

" have..." She said getting ready to state he needed to worry about his current partner with DWTS.

"No, Shay will understand. I know she's important because she's my responsibility but I'll make up the time to her. You're more important." He said as his hand ran over her back as he swayed them slowly.

"Fine. I'll call and you can go with me. But you have to promise that you'll prioritize Shay first."

"You're my most important priority." He said nearly with a growl.


"You're not getting me to cave on that one. Do you want me to drive you over?" Val asked.

"What time are you done with Shay today? We finish at 3 so just a little before you."

"If you don't mind, I'll go with you."

"I never mind sweetheart. Maybe you can rest a little more on our way." He suggested before, dropping down to her lips to press a kiss to them. She hummed and nodded into him before they went their separate ways.

"Okay, call me if you need me sweetheart." Val said as he dropped Jenna off at the prep school. She leaned over gingerly. She realized that she was kind of just experiencing a constant dull ache at that moment. She wasn't super sure if that was better or worse than the stabbing pain.

"I will, love you. Tell everyone hi for me." She said as pressed a kiss to his lips.

"I love you too. Promise you'll call." He said as he linked their pinkies quickly. It had been their thing whenever they seriously needed the other to listen.

"I promise." She whispered as she squeezed their fingers before getting out of the car. She waved to him before heading in. She began to stretch as she waited for the students to begin arriving. The groups were split into age and skill set. Each group was performing different pieces as well as solos, duets, and small groups as well. It had been a huge amount of work on Jenna's end but she was absolutely loving the experience and the time with the children. She had gained so much knowledge over the past 5 months, it was crazy to her.

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