Fooling Everyone Else

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"A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in your eyes even if you're fooling everyone else."


"So how have you been doing Peta? I know there were lots of rumors going on about you and Maks for a while there. How do you feel about him being back in the ballroom?" Sharna could hear the interviewer ask her best friend as she worked the press line with James. They had just finished up the GMA announcement of season 18 and now the pros and their celebs were working the press line.  Sharna tried to arch her neck as best as she could to see Peta however the interviewer that was currently speaking with her and Charlie was blocking her view.

"I'm doing well. I'm glad he's back, he deserves to have a great season and it sounds like he's really going to have the chance for that with Meryl as his partner." She heard Peta say. She knew immediately from the tone of her voice that she was lying.

"Good. So you guys are still friends? I think we all were invested in your love story."

"We are. We'll always support one another. However, I will be focusing on James completely this season. He's already shown amazing possibilities and areas that we can work on. I can't wait to get into the studio and really find out what he has in there." Peta said derailing the Maks conversation. Sharna listened in for a few more moments before realizing that she needed to pay attention to her own interview. She was letting Charlie carry all the weight which wasn't a great way to start the season.

"So Sharna, how are you excited to have this Olympic champion on your side this season?" George asked bringing her back into the conversation. She loved George, he was a favorite among all the pros. He had been doing the press line interviews for a few years now so aside from just being a great interviewer, he also knew the quirks of the pros and was helpful from time to time during the interviews.

"I'm definitely more than excited. I just can't wait to see what we get to do and we were part of the big surprise reveal." Sharna said with a grin. They had tried their hardest to keep Meryl and Charlie under wraps as far as leaks had gone and she felt like they had done a good job. They worked through the rest of the interviews seemingly answering the same questions over and over. By the time they were done, they were exhausted and ready to drop.

"Alright Charlie, so I'll see you tomorrow at the studio. They gave you the address right?" She asked as she packed up her bags.

"Yup, and you said 11:00 right?"

"Yeah, cause you have rehearsals at 5?" She looked up to make sure she was right.

"Right, well 6. I need to be done by 5." He said with a smile. He and Meryl were doing Stars on Ice while they were doing to show as well so it was a bit more hectic than usual.

"Right, we'll get the schedule smoothed out." She said as she stood and hugged him. They said their goodbyes and she went to find Peta knowing that her friend wasn't as okay as she had stated in the press line.

"Babeeeee." Sharna said finally finding the dressing room Peta had been assigned. The girls had been split as well as the guys and somehow the besties had gotten separated.

"Babe." Peta said as she saw her best friend and moved over to her hugging her tightly.

"What time is your flight back?" Sharna asked as she waited on Peta to finish packing up.

"3:30." She said with a slightly groan, it was only 10 and she was slightly ready to drop.

"Good, we're probably on the same flight. Wanna be my airport buddy?" Sharna said with a link.

"Sure. I wanna find something to send mum for mother's day. You can help." Peta said with a wink. And with that the two best friends headed out of the studio and made their way to JFK. Once they were checked in, they browsed the shops before finding a café to hang out in while they waited for their flight to board. After some discussion, they decided that it wasn't too early in the day to have a drink so they both perused the beverage menu before settling on a drink each. They ordered their lunch and relaxed for a bit.

"So, question." Sharna said as she took a sip of her mimosa.

"Answer." Peta said with a wink.

"How are you really doing?" Sharna asked watching her friends face. It went from fine to upset to fine again. However Sharna caught the momentary slip of upset that went across Peta's face.

"I'm fine babe. He's back. He's with Meryl. Good for him." She said with a shrug as she took a sip of her margarita.

"You're lying." Sharna said softly.

"No, I'm not."

"Babe, really? I know you better than that. You may have everyone else fooled but I know you. I know how that all went down with you. Remember? I was the one who stayed with you even when you tried to ship me away."

"I don't want to talk about it." Peta said with a slight tremor to her voice. Truth be told she was a mess about it. She still loved Maks and had a good feeling she always would. Having him near all the time would bring back all the memories that she had worked so hard to put away. She was happy. She didn't want to go back to that time in her life.

"You don't have to. Just remember. I know and I'm here. And when you need me, you don't have to hide from me. I always know when you're hurting P and I want to help. I know sometimes it's just by quiet silence, sometimes by ice cream and movies, and sometimes hugs. But regardless, just remember that, okay. I love you." Sharna said as she rested her hand on Peta's.

"I will. I love you too." Peta whispered as she took another sip of her drink and squeezed Sharna's hand. They both fell into an easy silence as they just sat there together with that being as simply as it could be.

*** A little one to hold you over until I finish the Fix A Heart update. I hope you love it. I love you guys. Don't forget to like it up and let me know what you thought in the comments.

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