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"How is it possible that the moment your breath meets mine, my lungs become so clear. It's as if I had been silent suffocating." ~ L.R.


"Okay, so let's go through the first 10 8 counts again, then we'll stop for today." Peta said looking at Nick. They had been working on their foxtrot for quite some time now and she could see the frustration and exhaustion wearing on him.

"Sorry, I promise, I'll get it." He said looking at her. And he was, he wasn't failing miserably like he could have been however, he was just struggling with little details and other things like that.

"Don't be sorry. I get it. It's understandable. And we're learning two dances this week. You've gotten the Argentine Tango down, now we only have to work on fine tuning all the details. You're getting it. I promise."

"I just don't want to let you down." He said softly as he looked at her. Peta could feel her heart tighten in her chest as she looked at her partner. He was always so cheery and fun, this was a different side of him and one she was sure people didn't see frequently.

"Listen to me, nothing at all could make you let me down. You're trying and that's all I can ask for. I'll see if I can brainstorm tonight and figure out some ways to help." She said with a grin as she hugged him. He squeezed her back and pressed a friendly kiss to her forehead.

"Thanks partner." He said as he let her go. He moved to his mark and held his hand out to her. They went through the initial part of the dance at least 5 more times, Nick improving each time. Finally a production member came in and told them their time was up for that day.

"You go home and enjoy that little baby of yours." Nick said as he leaned over to hug Peta as they headed out. She passed along the same condolences to him and sent him on his way. She checked her watch to see when Maks and Vanessa's rehearsal would be done and realized she had another 2 hours. Rather than waiting, she decided to go home and just sneak in some extra Shai time. She hadn't realized just how much she would miss the little munchkin while she was away. She had the nanny bring him to her a few times already.

'Hey babe, I'm heading home to spend some time with Shai. Do you just want to grab us dinner on your way home?' She sent a text to Maks before heading out of the parking lot. Once she was home, she showered quickly before she sent Cherryl off to get some much needed pamper time. She thought for a moment and then headed outside with Shai. They had a tiny baby pool set up next to the big pool and Shai was absolutely a blast when they let him play in it. The two played until she saw the munchkin getting grumpy. She gathered him up and headed into the house with him.

"Alright bubby, let's get you changed into dry clothes and we'll get you a bottle and a nap." She said as he fussed in her arms at being taken out of his water time. He wailed in her arms the further they walked away from the outside.

"Shhhhh, it's okay. You're just sleepy, we can play in the water some more soon bubby." She soothed as she made her way to his room and got him changed into a dry onesie. Rather than putting him in actual clothes, she just grabbed his favorite blanket and headed down to the kitchen. She grabbed a bottle for the grumpy pants and settled onto the loveseat. Once he had his bottle, his hand wound up into her hair as his eyes immediately started to droop.

"Ohhh, see, I told you, you were just sleepy." She said as she stroked his cheek as he drifted off. Once he finished his bottle, she shifted and snuggled him in tighter as she closed her eyes as well. Her head began to spin on the remainder of the time she had with Nick and what she needed to do to accomplish everything this week. Since they had two shows, everything was doubled, two dances, two sets of packages, two opening numbers, two costumes, two dress rehearsals, two camera blocking. She felt

"Hey you. There you two are." Maks said making Peta jump slightly.

"Hey." She said with a grin as he settled into the couch beside her. She went to move closer to him but he stopped her.

"I think I smell. I didn't shower yet." He said laughing at the look on her face.

"I honestly don't care right now." She said suddenly wanting his embrace as soon as he was near.

"Babe, give me 5, then I'll come sit with you two." He chuckled at her frown. She pouted but leaned up to kiss him before he walked away. He returned less than 10 minutes later with two bottles of water. His hair was damp from the shower.

"This side please." She said requesting that he sit on the opposite side of her. He gave her a curious look before he settled on the left side of her body. She shifted Shai in her arms making sure not to wake him and then tucked herself into Maks. She pulled her knees up and rested them on his legs. His arm wrapped around her shoulders as she snuggled into his chest. Now that she was situated he realized why she wanted this side. She wouldn't have been able to do this on the other side with the way Shai had fallen asleep.

"You want to put him in his crib?" He whispered as he pressed a kiss to her head.

"Nope, I'm good." She murmured back. The two sat for a while just sitting in silence as they let the day fade away.

"You okay?" He asked finally. The two were affectionate at best but this was a bit different tone to her today. She nodded and pressed into him a bit more. He left her be knowing her at this point.

"You know, before you came home, I didn't even realize how much I wanted you. I didn't have a bad day or even a rough day but it was a day. And then you came home and sat down next to me and suddenly there was a shift. And it got me thinking, now don't judge me because I feel like this can either sound deep or crazy. But, how is it possible that the moment your breath meets mine, my lungs become so clear. It's as if I had been silent suffocating?"

"Babe." Maks whispered at her statement.

"Honestly though Maks. It's like you're my drug. My safe haven. My end all. And I think sometimes I take you for granted but I just want you to know that even if it seems I do, I don't." She said getting flustered. Shai must have picked up on it and the little munchkin woke up. He was so thrilled to see both of his parents that their conversation was derailed until later in the evening when the house was quiet and the two were tucked into bed.

"So, earlier...." He said as his hand ran through her hair. She was curled up on his chest with her leg slung over his, her arm across his middle.

"Oh...." She said softly curling into him tighter.

"What was the oh for?" He asked.

"The oh was for, maybe I shouldn't have said that earlier, it makes me sound needy."

"Peta Jane. No. It doesn't. If anything I think that was the most special thing you've ever said to me. And to be honest, I think I agree. It's not like I go away from you and suddenly my world stops but there's this thing that's missing and when you're around suddenly it's all okay again. Your analogy was perfect. You're like my inhaler."

"Babe." She giggled at his analogy.

"Truth." He said pulling her up some so he could kiss her. The kiss wasn't sexual or sensual however it spoke volumes in their conversations that day. The kiss said it all. They were each other's breaths, each other's safe havens, and ultimately, each other's reason.

*Chmergs! Hope you guys liked it! I'm freaking in loveeee with this quote. Don't forget to like it up and let me know what you all thought. Love you guys!

I feel like I need to take a poll on what you guys prefer for the next coming weeks. I have some things going on that are going to limit my writing time. I just don't know where to put it. But options are going to limit updates and I need to know where you guys would rather have updates. Basically, my best friends who include my tiny niece are moving from New York to San Diego and I'm helping them move. So these next three weeks, I'm going to have limited writing time as I'll be driving cross country with them. I'm trying to decide where to put a poll....what do you all think? Start a new story and ask? Or post an update in all stories and ask...this is confusing. Hahaha, but I want to keep you guys happy so I need to know where to put my words.

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