And Then There Were 3

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"And then there were three."


"How do I do this? How do I tell him?" Sharna wondered as she paced back and forth in the bathroom. The positive pregnancy test glaring at her from its position on the sink counter. She and Val had been trying for months to get pregnant but the universe hadn't seemed to be on their side. She had been to the doctors who told her and him that nothing was wrong. It was just not happening. The couple went through weeks of tears, fights, and drama until they gave up. They had decided that they wouldn't focus on it anymore and if it happened it happened, if it didn't, they'd figure out what to do next.

"I could call P. No, I kind of want this to be ours right now." She said out loud. Duke and Daisy were watching her pacing with careful eyes. They seemed to understand that something was up and they were intent on protecting their mother. Val was out with Maks as they were prepping for another Our Way tour so Sharna was home alone. She had been feeling off lately and realized she had missed her period. Initially she brushed it off and pinned the feelings and period skipping to the recent amount of work she was doing for her clothing line. However something in her gut told her this was different. So she headed to the closet and dug out the box of buried tests from before and tried one.

"What do I do you two?" She said finally stopping and looking at the dogs for a minute. She had ended up retrieving the two puppies while she was waiting for the results of the test. When she saw the lines come up confirming she was pregnant, she felt her eyes well up with tears. And that's how she had gotten to this moment because after her excitement peaked, she realized that her husband needed to be told and suddenly it all became so much real.

"You're both going to be a big brother and a big sister. You're going to have to be very protective of this little nugget and keep him or her safe, you know that." Duke yipped in response while Daisy ran between Sharna's legs.

"You both just think I'm going to let you out. Come on, let's go outside. You two can run around like crazy puppies and I'll figure out how to tell Daddy that's he's going to be a human dad as well." Sharna said as her eyes misted over at the statement. She knew this had to be big because of how long they were trying and the disappointment they had shared. She let the puppies out and settled in one of the armchairs on the back deck as they ran around and enjoyed the summer air.

She began to look for different ideas. A lot of them included the pregnancy test however she wasn't really comfortable with that. She just kind of thought it was gross on some level. She'd be keeping it but she wasn't putting it in the oven or in a gift bag for Val to open. It took some time but she eventually decided she wanted to include the dogs in the surprise for him. She found cute bandanas that said "Big Sister" & "Big Brother". After researching, she found a shop near their house that made the bandanas and she could have them customized as well. And they would do it on the spot.

"Alright you two. I'll be back soon." She said after she had gotten ready and headed out to the store. She found the two bandana collars quickly and purchased them. She was going to head home but decided to spend some time just browsing to kill time until Val was home. She wondered through a few shops on the street the collar shop was on before heading into a home goods store.

"Ahh!" She said as she wondered into the picture frame aisle. There was a black frame with silver lettering on it. The lettering read "And then, there were three." She knew she needed it immediately figuring it would be a perfect additional to telling Val. She held tight to the frame and headed to the counter.

"Will this be all?" The cashier asked as she rung up the purchase and wrapped the frame in some protective wrap.

"Yes that's all." Sharna said happily.

"Is this....sorry, that's not my business, that'll be $11.42."

"Thank you, you can ask however. And it is. I actually just found out a few hours ago. I'm going to use it to tell my husband." Sharna said handing her the payment.

"Aww, you have a glow about you, that's why I started to ask. Will this be your first?"

"Yes, we've been trying for a while." Sharna said accepting the bag from the lady.

"Well Congratulations, it's definitely one of life's best blessings."

"Thank you, so much. It definitely is." Sharna said before taking the bag and heading out of the store. She realized she had a text from Val who asked if she wanted him to bring home an early dinner. She replied with a yes and then headed home to prep the house and puppies. She got the dogs in both their collars before trying to figure out where to put the picture frame. She knew he'd see the dogs pretty quickly so she wanted it to be near. She fixed the frame on the hall right where he normally laid his keys. She had taken the generic fake picture out and put a slip of paper in that said picture coming soon. She settled on the couch and tried to distract herself from being antsy but it wasn't working. She breathed a sigh of relief when she heard his keys in the lock.

"I'm here! Hey you two. I missed you. Ohh did mommy get you two new collars? You both look so cute. Oh Daisy, be nice to your brother. Did you have a good day with mommy? Come here miss. Let's get a better look at your......" Sharna heard his voice trail off and she decided to move to the hallway to see his reaction herself.

"Babe." She said softly as he continued to look at Daisy's collar before leaning down to check Duke's as well. As he started to stand back up, the picture frame caught his eye.

"Princess...are you? Are we?" He asked as he sat Daisy down gently and looked at his wife.

"According to the test this morning we are. We'll need to go to a doctor's to confirm but...." Her rambling was halted as he crossed the hallway in two steps before grabbing her up and kissing her quickly.

"We're pregnant." He whispered as his forehead rested on hers. She nodded slightly as a few tears snuck out of her eyes and slipped down her cheeks.

"We are." She said finding her voice. Val leaned forward and kissed her softly again before moving to rest his hand on her belly.

"Hi Peanut." He said as he ran a thumb back and forth gently. Sharna tipped and leaned into his body, her head nestling into the crook of his neck as the two stood there. Her eyes caught sight of the picture frame, the words resonating even more than before.

"And then there were three." She murmured as her hand landed over Val's. 

**That's a wrap on this little gem! I hope you guys love it! I'm hoping to be able to stockpile a little more of these shorties this week/weekend. Also traveling to Chattanooga next week which means I could either be writing extra or writing less. Let's hope for extra! Anyways, let me know what you think of this one, like it up, comment. Love you guys! 

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