A Girl Who Cries

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"A girl who cries, is a girl who cares."


"Babe, I'm home." Val yelled as he entered his new apartment with his now fiancé. He had been out doing a couple meetings for a few different business ventures he was working on while she had been at rehearsals for the upcoming season of So You Think You Can Dance. He was met with quiet silence which threw him off. Typically she beat him home.

"Jennnn." He said a little louder as he made his way to the bedroom. He found her curled up on their bed asleep. Once he got closer he could see tear tracks on her cheeks and felt a sudden burst of anger. Who had upset his girl? He stood there for a moment before realizing that he couldn't very well do anything about the situation at the moment considering she was asleep.

"Well cuddles help anyways." He mumbled as he stripped down to his t-shirt & boxers before grabbing a blanket. He curled in behind her as he wrapped them up in the blanket. Once the blanket was situated, he curled in around her, wrapping his arm around her waist. He pressed his face into her neck and grinned as she mumbled something that included his name and love.

"I love you too baby." He said pressing a kiss to her shoulder. It wasn't long before the warmth of the blanket and his girl, put him asleep too. He didn't stay out super long but woke up to her squirming slightly.

"Val...." Her sleepy voice asked as she realized she was wrapped in his embrace.

"I'm right here babe." He said as she flipped over and buried into his chest. A yawn escaped her lips as she hummed in contentment.

"When?" She asked after a bit.

"Probably a half hour ago. You were out so I decided I was just going to curl up with you." He said as he shifted to his back, pulling her with him. Her hand slipped under his shirt and rested on his belly while his fingers slipped into her hair. He was pretty certain, curling up with her would never get old to him.

"Mmhmm. Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep earlier."

"It's okay, clearly you needed it. You've been so busy with rehearsals and everything else, you've gotta be beat babe."

"Yeah....I suppose." She said as she tangled her legs with his.

"Babe, when I came, you were crying." He stated as he got ready to ask her what had been wrong.

"Uh huh." She said as she went to move away from him.

"Yes you were. I saw the evidence on your cheeks. What happened baby?" He said loosening his grip but keeping her with him.

"Nothing." She said as she flipped away from him quickly however didn't get out of the bed.

"Jenna Marie." He said softly as he slid over to her and rested his hand on her hip. Her head shook fiercely in response.

"It was nothing." She mumbled however he could hear the tears in her voice again.

"It was something if it's made you cry. Twice let alone at that. Talk to me sweetheart." He said as his fingers stroked her head.

"I.....ughh...no, I can do this. I don't need to cry." She said pushing herself up and standing out of the bed. She looked at him fiercely however there were still tears slipping down her cheeks.

"Babe, what are you talking about?" Val said as he sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. He didn't reach for her this time however seeing the frustration on her face. He knew she was struggling with something whatever it was and somehow knew that touching her was a bad idea.

"Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. It's fine. I'm over it and I'm irritated." She snapped walking away in anger. However she realized halfway to the door that she just snapped at him and that was the exact opposite of what she wanted to do.

"I'm sorry." She said as her body slumped in defeat. She hadn't turned back around yet but Val knew exactly what her face looked like and most likely what she was thinking. He sighed and stood up moving over to her.

"Come here." He said as he led her back to the bed.

"We're going to end up where we started." She grumbled but let him bring her back over. He situated them both on the bed and tucked her into his body and let his fingers return to her hair. He stayed quiet for a bit as he waited and let her think.

"We could. Or it could be okay."

"I can't always have you fix everything. And I don't always need to cry."

"Babe, what do you mean?" He asked as his lips rested on her head.

"You can't always be the one who saves me. And my instinct is to always cry. I hate that. It makes me feel so weak."

"Jen, no. That's not what it is at all. And I don't save you. Well I help you but half the time it's just because you need to talk and vent to someone."

"Well but..." She drifted off as she just laid there.

"Jen, crying doesn't make you weak. It just means you care. So whatever it was that upset you, it just means that that is something that is important to you and you value it."

"I guess."

"Hey, look at me. Please." He said and waited for her to look at him. He shifted them so she was still tucked in with him but visible. "Tell me what happened."

"They tore me apart on my last Instagram post."

"The one of us?"

"Yeah, after the engagement."

"Jen...sweetheart." He sighed. He wasn't sure why these people were so angry and mean to his girl. He knew she did her best to ignore it but time after time it began to eat away at her.

"They said I was ugly. And that I'm just with you for your money and the sex. And that you're just using me. And I'm using you. And that we'll never be happy. And..." Her voice broke as tears filled her eyes again. She got angry and stopped them quickly. "I try Val. I try to ignore them but after I see it so many times, it's inevitable. It hurts. They hurt. And then I cry. And then I get mad. And then I need you or want you and I don't feel like I should do that to you."

"That's what this is for. I want to be here for you, all the time. As much as I can. But that means you have to tell me this stuff. I know they are horrible to you. I don't know how to stop it. I'll post again. But sweetheart, I don't want you to worry about not doing what you need in front of me. You need to let those things go so they don't build up. And I love you, don't worry about hiding things from me. That's what I'm here for okay? Let me help you."

"I don't want to give them this satisfaction."

"You're not. They don't know you feel this way. Only I do. This is your safe zone. And it will always be your safe zone." He said as he leaned forward and kissed her nose.

"Thank you." She whispered and just moved herself back over to him.

"Always, I love you." He said as he felt her tears hit his shirt. She nodded against him and tucked in closer. He knew that as much as she knew the words weren't true, they still hurt and sometimes to fix the hurt, you have to let it out. And he'd be there for her until she was ready to talk.

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