Back Story and the Present

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     My name is Jessica. I no longer have parents or a home. My story is one that most people pity. I had a brother and I cared about him very much. His name was William Turner but I called him Will, or Willy when I was messing with him. We were attacked by a ship with black sails. I grabbed my brother and jumped from the flaming vessel.

     We floated on a piece of drift wood, Will being unconscious at the time. Fortunately, a huge English ship saved us from the unforgiving sea. That's where I met that filthy, lying, unfit for my brother cheat Elizabeth. She didn't seem bad at the moment. After all, she cared for Will and I. Until we arrived at Port Royal. The Governor couldn't help both my brother and I so Elizabeth suggested they AT LEAST save Will saying that me being the older one had a better chance of standing up for myself.

      They dumped me on the beach of some island. I sat on that beach until a man came up to me. "Come with me if you want to live your life." He said. Having nowhere else to go, I followed this strange looking man. After a few years, the man became like a father to me. His name was Edward Teague. He was indeed a pirate, which I questioned frequently throughout my time with him. Captain Teague told me many things. For instance, he talked quite a bit about this Jackie fellow.

      Jack Sparrow as he called himself, was quite the trickster and was also equally famous as much as he was infamous. On my 18th birthday, Captain Teague gave me a small boat and a lovely sword. The blade looked almost blue, had a black handle, and was the strongest plus lightest sword he had. I hugged him, for I was so happy. Although, Teague said I wouldn't sail away yet. Not until I learned the proper skills. He taught me how to duel with a sword, he always said that my skills impressed him.
     I was also an outstanding sailor.  Then 2 years lasted, Teague told me to sail to this woman named Tia Dalma. I didn't really understand what he meant. "Why should I go to her Captain?" I asked. Now that I was older, I hardly ever questioned Teague's actions but I was rather curious as you might say. "That woman can teach you marvelous things and you say you've always wanted to be a pirate. Well here's your chance." He nodded at the small boat.
     I have him a bone crushing hug. "Thank you." I whispered in his ear. He returned it but before he let me go, he said he had one more thing to tell me. "Oh and if you do see Jackie, give him my condolences and make sure you tell him I raised you. He might question you though." He warned.

     I grinned. "Of course Captain." As I slowly sailed away from the only other home I've ever known, I could see Teague waving in the distance. I waved back and returned to sailing on the ocean blue. That was a week ago. Now, I was in the middle of the ocean screaming at how much I absolutely HATED storms.
     Don't laugh. I may want to be a pirate but thunder terrifies me. Unlike most girls, wet clothing is one of the last things I'd ever worry about. Finally, I was able to spot an island nearby. "Thank Calypso." I gasped as I began to turn the boat towards my only hope of dry land.
     As I approached the island, I noticed that I was slowly sailing down a river. A thick jungle hung around it. The air smelt like it does after a rainstorm. My nose crinkled in disgust. Soon enough, my boat approached a hut. I tied up my boat at the plant infested dock. Grabbing my sword and gripping my hat, I stepped out of the boat and began walking up towards the tiki like hut.
     It looks like the hut Captain Teague described when he gave me those directions. I thought to myself. Hesitantly, I opened the door just a bit then completely. "Ah I have been expecting you." I scanned the interior of the hut, searching for the owner of the voice. From behind a corner, a woman with black hair and chocolate skin appeared. She spoke with a thick West Indian accent. (if you want to know what that sounds like look up Tia Dalma, the character from Pirates of the Caribbean. My pirate mates know who I'm talking about *wink).

     "Are you Tia Dalma?" I asked intimidatingly, pulling out my sword. I may be a woman, but even Captain Teague wondered about the soft side of me he rarely saw. He often called me quite the tough girl. "Yes. I have been awaiting your visit Jessica Turner." She smiled mysteriously. Wait what? "How do you know who I am?" I inquired. The practitioner of voodoo smiled, almost in a gentle manner. "I know Captain Teague. We are good friends so I have been enlightened of da arrival of your boat."

     Realizing that she was friend not foe, I slid my sword back into its sheath. "If your a friend of the Captain then your a friend of mine." I grinned. Tia Dalma wasn't so bad after all. "Perfect. Now dat dat's out of da way, you'll be here until it is time. You'll know when the time comes." I didn't entirely understand what she meant but nonetheless, what else was I to do with my life? Sit around in a boat in the middle of the ocean? I think not. Besides I could get caught in plenty of storms. I shuddered at that thought. "Well then, let's begin shall we?"

Oi that was quite a bit of writing. I can't wait to post the next chapter. I know this didn't have much dialogue but that's because it's the backstory so read it to understand it savvy? See ya mates!

   -Kakashi828 😜👌

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