Sounds Like a Plan

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     When we arrived at the shack, Tia wasn't there so the three of us chatted for a bit. Jack seemed very interested when I talked about my time with Teague. And when Will was talking, I caught him sneaking a couple of glances at me. I thought he was nice, he was quite hilarious and made me laugh multiple times. He was amused at this. Plus, he was a pirate and I really wanted to know what it was like, me wanting to become a pirate myself. "So Jessie, do ye think your worthy of being a pirate?" Jack questioned. "Honestly, I believe I'm more than worthy. Captain Teague praised both my sailing and sword skills." At the mention of swords, Will grinned. "You sword fight?" He asked. "Well I've only dueled with Captain Teague and Tia Dalma. I haven't lost once." I noted. "Well then, you should duel me next. I'll probably beat you."He chuckled. "Based on Captain Sparrow, you lost to him, a pirate, in your first sword fight?"I mused.

     Jack burst into laughter and wiped his eye. "Just met her and she's already hammering down on your skills, mate." He snickered. Will narrowed his eyes at Sparrow, in which Jack put his hands in the air innocently. "She's the one who said it mate, not me" he winked at me, which I giggled in return. "Nice to see dat your all friends now" All three of us turned around to find Tia Dalma smiling at us. "Aye, let's get to it now eh Will? Jessie?" Jack said. I didn't really know what he meant but I nodded and all of us turned to face Tia, who was at the head of the table. Will was on her right, Jack on the left, and I was next to Jack. 

     "So Jack, what kind of information do ya need dis time?" Tia questioned. "See Will and I are going after the Black Pearl.." He started. My eyes widened with shock. "You mean The Black Pearl? The one being piloted by that swine Hector Barbossa?" Jack turned to me. "Yes... How do you know of the Pearl?" They all waited for my response. "Well, your dad told me how that was the ship that you owned. I also heard some stuff about him. He started a mutiny and took control right? Well anyone who has the heart to be a mutineer is a horrible, vulgar, no good, rotten carcass." I finished, quite satisfied with my description. Jack smiled at me and nodded. "Well said, love. But Tia Dalma, I want to know about that cursed gold." I glanced at Tia who seemed to be thinking.

     Realizing we were waiting for her response, she cleared her throat. "First thing to know is dat da heathen gods placed a curse among da gold after witnessing Cortez's greed. It den made any mortal who removed a piece from da chest, cursed for eternity." I shivered at that thought. Cursed to me is being stuck in a storm forever. Yup, that would be it. "Is that all you know?" Jack inquired. Tia nodded. "But Jack, before you go, I want you to take Jessica with you." I was shocked, but excited. Would they take me along? "Jack, I was going to ask if she could come along too. I want her to come with us." Will spoke, glancing at me then Jack. "Hmm. Your all counting on me to take her. Can she prove to me that she's worthy?" Jack looked directly at me. "I can. I challenge you to a duel." I said with confidence. He smirked at me. "Let's do this outside, love."

     Jack and I stood on opposite ends of each other. Tia Dalma sat on a log like a spectator. Well , I mean technically she was watching a match. Will stood in between us. "Draw your swords!" He shouted. Jack unsheathed his sword. I did the same, drawing out the gift given to me by his father. "Just because I'm a gentleman don't expect me to go easy on you, love." Jack mused. "Just because I'm a girl don't expect me to be easy, Captain." I scoffed. I felt confident. All I had to do was beat him in a sword fight and I've had loads of practice. "I can do this." I breathed. "Alright, swords at the ready and BEGIN" Will yelled. I didn't want to make the first move, but neither did he. "Ladies first, love." He smirked. "Coward."I growled. I had to think carefully about every move I made. After all, he was a pirate and might cheat. Thank goodness I've dueled against Captain Teague. I thrusted my sword at his middle. He blocked it and jabbed at my side. I blocked again. 

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