Tortuga and Gibbs

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     "This is my least favorite port." I groaned. The three of us have been off the boat for a about a minute and I already had to duck from a flying wine glass. Unfortunately, Will was standing behind me."Why is that Jes?" I gave gave him an are you using your head kind of look. "Will, seconds off the boat you got hit with a wine glass. A wine glass. Do I really need to explain further?" I grumbled. "You could've given me a warning." He muttered while rubbing his head. "I'll tell you mates, if every town in the world were like this one, no man would ever feel unwanted.." Jack claimed. I raised my eyebrow. "Or woman." He added. 

     While Jack was talking, a redhead dressed all out in the same color as her hair walked over to Jack. "Scarlett!" Jack began. SMACK! He was slapped so hard, his whole head turned to the side. "Not sure I deserved that." He muttered as Scarlett stomped away. Another woman, but blonde and dressed in all yellow then came up to Jack. "Giselle." He started. "Who was she?" The blonde spoke innocently. Jack look surprised. "What?" He continued. SMACK! Jack's head turned again. Giselle stormed off. "I may have deserved that." Jack mumbled. Seeing those two women made me a bit jealous so I tapped Jack on the shoulder. "What's on your mind, love?" I let him finish before...SMACK! His head swung to the side. My slap had been the hardest. He rubbed his cheek and winced. "I didn't do anything, love." He groaned. I pointed a finger at him. "Don't go hanging around with random girls. It's nonsense." Since the moment I slapped Jack, Will was clutching his stomach and laughing his heart out. Jack and I turned to face him. "Oh shut it, Turner." Jack threatened.

     Will and I followed Jack around until we came upon a pig pen underneath some rusty old roof. Among the pigs was a man. "How should we wake him up?" Will asked. Hmm. I scanned the pen and found two wooden buckets. "Just dump water on his head." I called back to Will, as I made my way over to the buckets. I filled them up and gave one to Will and the other to Jack, who waisted no time in tossing the water onto the man. "AHH, curse you for breathing you slack-jawed idiot!" Mr. Gibbs swore. "Watch your mouth!" I scolded and pointed my sword at his neck. Now Gibbs looked even more terrified. 

     Jack turned to face me. "It's ok, love. You can put it away." I nodded and sheathed my sword, glaring at Gibbs. "Mother's love! Jack. You should know better than to wake a man when he's sleeping. It's bad luck."Mr.Gibbs gasped. Jack crouched down to Gibbs' level. "Ah, fortunately, I know how to counter it. The man who did the waking buys the man who was sleeping a drink. The man who was sleeping drinks it while listening to a proposition from the man who did the waking." I glanced at Will, who shrugged his shoulders. Mr. Gibbs seemed just as confused as we were, until a flash of recognition spread across his face. "...Aye, that'll about do it." He stood up. Will then tossed his bucket over Gibbs' head. "Blast, I'm already awake!"he yelled. "That was for the smell." Will replied. I put my hand over my mouth to hold in my laughter.

     The four of us had then gone inside The Faithful Bride, the bawdiest tavern on Tortuga if you ask me. Jack and Gibbs were talking over a drink. Although, I'm pretty sure there was nothing in their anyway. Will and I were told to wait by this pillar. I watched Jack and Gibbs talking, wondering what they were talking about. "Uh, Jes? A little help please?" I faced Will and saw a large woman who was all over him. I glared at her. "Move it!" I snarled. She shrieked and scampered away. "Thanks. I dare say, you can be really scary sometimes." Will chuckled. "Well I can't let anyone steal my little brother just yet." I smirked. "Wait, your older than me?" I scoffed. "I knew that dad was a pirate. You didn't and now I see why." He raised his eyebrow. 

     "Will, you have an extremely terrible memory." I snickered. I knocked on his head like a door. "Either that, or your just not using your noggin." I continued. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled. But then he turned to Jack and Gibbs. "Will what's wrong?" He looked like he was seriously trying to hear their conversation. "Their talking about leverage. And I heard our last name." Will whispered. "Will, I'm sure it's all part,of some big plan alright? Besides, I won't let anyone take you from me. Not again. I swear on that." I muttered. My eyes had begun to water as I thought of that day

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