The Lost Marbles of Jack Sparrow

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     We were getting closer and closer to the Pearl, and I couldn't wait. The pirate in me was ready to burst. Our ship approached a foggy passageway. "Dead men tell no tales."squawked Cotton's parrot. Well that was creepy. Most of the crew including Will and Gibbs were looking over the edge of the starboard side of the boat. Curious, I walked over to them and stood next to my brother. "Puts a chill in the bones, how many sailors have been claimed by this passage." Gibbs shivered. Meanwhile, Jack was making puzzled looks at his compass. Cotton stood behind him, looking curious. Looking frustrated, Jack closed the compass and put his hand back on the wheel.

     Mr. Gibbs walked away to the opposite side of the boat. "How is it that Jack came but that compass?" Will spoke, following Gibbs. I wanted to know myself, so I followed both of them, taking my place next to Will. I wouldn't even go near that insulting Gibbs fellow. "Not a lot's known about Jack Sparrow before he showed up in Tortuga with a mind to go after the treasure of the Isle de Muerta." Gibbs replied now walking over to a rope near the mass and pulling on it. "That was before I met him." He continued. Will was paying close attention to the story, as was I. A bit tired, I leaned against my brother. He chuckled and continued listening to Gibbs. "Back when he was captain of the Blacl Pearl." At this statement, Will's eyes widened. "What?" He breathed. Realizing he said too much, Gibbs sputtered on his drink. "He failed to mention that."said Will. 

     I tapped Will on the shoulder. "Uh I told you that at Tia Dalma's remember?" Will shrugged his shoulders. "You know my memory isn't fantastic. Let's here Mr. Gibbs' version." I glared at him. "Fine" I grumbled. "Well he keeps things closer to the vest now. And a hard learned lesson it was. See three days out in the venture the first mate comes to him and says everything's an equal share. That should mean the location of the treasure too. So Jack gives up the bearings. That night, there was a mutiny. They marooned Jack on an island an left him to die. But not before he'd gone mad with the heat." Gibbs paused so that Will could soak it all in. My brother glanced at Jack. "Ah, so that's the reason for all the..." Will did an impression of Jack's drunken stagger and wild, flailing arm and hand gestures. I giggled at how accurate he was to the real Jack. "Reason's got nothing to do with it." Gibbs said in a low voice. 

     As Gibbs began to sit on a nearby crate, Will crouched down to his level. I just sat on the floor. Who needs chairs right? Now even I hadn't heard this far into the story, so I payed as close attention to Gibbs as my brother. "Now Will and Jessie..." I narrowed my eyes at him. "That's Jessica to you." I snarled. Gibbs shook his head in understanding. "Now Will and Jessica." He corrected, making sure I heard him say Jessica. "When a pirate's marooned he's given a pistol with a single shot. One shot. Well that won't do much good hunting, or to be rescued. But after three weeks of a starving belly and thirst..." Gibbs imitated a pistol with his hand and slowly put it to his head. "That pistol start to look real friendly." Well, what do you expect from pirates? I thought. 

      "But Jack, he escaped the island and he still has that single shot. Oh he won't use it though save on one man." Realization spread across my face. "Barbossa." I whispered. "Aye. His mutinous first mate." Gibbs continued. Will understood but was still a bit puzzled. "How did Jack get off the island?" He asked. "Well I'll tell ye." Gibbs spoke excitedly. "He waded out into the shallows, and he waited there three days and three nights till all manor of sea creatures came, acclimated to his presence.  Then on the fourth morning, he roped himself a couple of seaturttles, lashed them together and made a raft." Will's face scrunched up in confusion. "He roped a couple of seaturttles?" Will said uncertainly. I burst out laughing. Will looked at me like I had 10 heads. "Oh come on Will. Seaturttles? Do you honestly believe that?" I snorted. Gibbs looked at me seriously but his mouth turned upwards. "Aye. Seaturttles." Gibbs confirmed. Will glanced to the side, but immediately returned his eyes to stare straight at Gibbs. ".... What did he use for rope?" my brother questioned. 

     Wow, good question. Gibbs opened his mouth to reply, but closed it. Apparently, he didn't know the answer to that one. I then realized that Jack had been standing over us, listening to ur conversation. We all turned to face him, waiting for his response. "Human hair....from my back." Gibbs shook his head in agreement, as I snickered at the idea. "Jack, you were their for three days. You couldn't have grown hair on your back so fast, and I doubt you even did." I affirmed, as I stood up to Jack's height. He looked me in the eye and grinned. "You can't prove that my story is false, love." I smiled mischievously. "True, but you can't prove that your story is the truth now can you Captain?" I countered. Will and Gibbs observed our conversation, curious to see how it would turn out. "Plus, there are always bits of truth in a lie." I added. Jack began walking back to the helm, turning to face me while he did, smirking.

     Gibbs got up to go help with the crew, and Will went with him. I decided to help Will. With every minute passing we got closer and closer to the Isle de Muerta. CREAK. I looked up to notice a small crack in a pole that held up one of the sails. It wouldn't be small for long with the weight pulling on it. "How are we supposed to fix that?" The question wasn't meant specifically for anyone, I guess Will just wanted to address the problem. I put a finger on my chin, Jack Sparrow style. (If you don't know what I mean, look at the pic of Jack in the previous chapter.) None of the rope ladders are long enough to get up there. But what if.... "Gimme some rope and a dagger." I ordered. Will grabbed a bundle of rope and handed me his own dagger. "What are you going to do?" He whispered. I slung the rope over my torso. "You'll see." I confided before holding the dagger in my mouth. I climbed up a rope ladder and grabbed a bit of rope hanging from the mast. 

     Letting go of the rope ladder, I jumped off gripping the rope. I swung around the mass. Thank goodness the rope was so long or I would've wrapped myself around the mast. I lifted my feet, making me swing higher. Once I reached the height I was going for, I jumped from the rope and landed on my feet. I was standing on the opposite pole from the one that was cracked. Slowly, I stepped over to the cracked part of the pole. I removed the rope from my torso and began wrapping it around the broken section. Using the dagger, I cut off some of the rope so I had the perfect amount. I tied a dead knot around the crack, double checking its sturdiness. Satisfied, I tied the rest of the unused rope to the pole, and let it fall to the ground. From there I climbed down until I reached the deck and jumped off. "Jes, that was amazing!" Will praised. With the dagger still in my mouth, I simply nodded. I removed the dagger and placed it back in his belt. He looked at it, a bit disgusted, and attempted to wipe it.

     "I'll teach you that when I think your ready." I smirked. I just realized Will wasn't the only one who was waiting for me at the bottom. The whole crew was there, including Jack, with their mouths wide open. "Impressive, I never would have thought of that, love." Jack admitted. He was standing at the front next to Will. "Oh it was nothing. I was only improvising." I stuttered. I ushered the crew to let me through, and they obidiently obeyed, as I made my way over to my spot at the bow. I leaned on the rail, staring off into the ocean. "You never cease to surprise me, love" I heard him whisper as he stood next to me. "Aren't you supposed to be captaining the ship, Captain?" I scoffed. "Am I not allowed to rest and be beside the most loyal member of my crew?" He countered. I punched his arm. "You're really something else Sparrow." I finished.

I know you guys are anxious for some battle scenes. I promise they're coming up! Short author's note today. I wanna update more chapters as soon as possible. Keep reading savv? (That'll never get old 😜👌🏻) See ya mates! (Or that 😝)



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