The Awkwardly Long Ride to Tortuga

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     We've been on the Interceptor for less than an hour and already things were looking a bit strange. It was too quiet on this boat. I was going to try and make conversation but my brother beat me to it. "When I was a lad living in England, my mother raised me by herself. After she died I came out here. Looking for my father. " Really Will? That's the best topic you can think of right now? Not wanting to participate in the conversation, I grabbed a bottle of my rum and walked to the opposite side of the boat from my brother. "Is that so." Jack mumbled, not really paying any attention. "My father, Bill Turner. At the jail, it was only after you learned my name you agreed to help. Since that's what I wanted I didn't press the matter." He continued.

      My brother began following Jack around the boat, who seemed as if he was trying to shake off my brother's questions. Becoming quite interested in the conversation, I too followed Jack. "I'm not a simpleton Jack. You knew my father." Jack sighed. Probably realized he couldn't get rid of my brother that easily. I thought  to myself. He turned to face Will. "I knew him. Probably one of the few who knew him as William Turner. Everyone else just called him Bootstrap or Bootstrap Bill." Jack briskly started walking back to the wheel. "Bootstrap?" Will seemed a bit confused.

     I took a sip of the rum. Mm, my rum was the best. "Can I have a bit of that too, love?" I noticed Jack was staring longingly at the bottle until he looked back up at me. "Sure, but DON'T drink it all in one go." I tried to make that sentence perfectly clear. "Of course love." I handed him the bottle and he took a swig, one that didn't empty the whole thing surprisingly. He returned it and I stared at it with a bit of disgust. Oh well, I'm not a germ freak. I took a swig myself. Jack found this quite amusing. I felt like slapping that silly grin off his face. He'll really get it from me eventually.... "Good man, good pirate Bootstrap. I swear you look just like him."

     I choked on my rum. Oh boy. Will didn't look quite happy at that. I just realized that I never told Will that our father was a pirate. "It's not true. He was a merchant sailor, a good respectable man who obeyed the law." Will shot back. Jack looked really annoyed now. "He was a bloody pirate. A scallywag." He snarled. I didn't think things would get this bad. But curiosity got the best of me, so I let their squabble carry on. It wasn't really that bad. Until my obviously not thinking about anything right now brother, unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Jack. "My father was NOT a pirate." Will snapped through gritted teeth. "Put it away son. It's not worth you getting beat again." I snickered at the mention of their sword fight. 

     I knew all about it since Jack told me and I've laughed at it ever since. "You didn't beat me. You ignored the rules of engagement. In a fair fight, I'd kill you." Will said determinedly. That might've been true if you hadn't been fighting a pirate. I giggled at the thought."Then that's not much incentive for me to fight fair, then, is it?" Jack replied. He then turned the wheel so that a pole attached to the mast came right at Will, who gripped it and was dangling over the ocean. "Jes, he's not telling the truth right? Tell him he's not telling the truth!" Will raged. "Enough William! Dad was a pirate alright!" I shouted, capping the rum bottle and setting it down. Will looked as if he was hit in the head with a hammer. He was absolutely stunned.

     I put my hand on Jack's shoulder. "He's bloody right Will." I muttered. Jack stared at me with a satisfied look on his face. "At least you understand the facts, love." He turned back to face Will. "Now as long as you're just hanging there, pay attention. The only rules that really matter are these: What a man can do and what a man can't do. For instance, you can accept that your father was a pirate and a good man, or you can't. Pirate is in your blood, boy, so you'll have to square with that someday. Now me, for example. I can let you drown. But I can't bring this ship into Tortuga even with just Jessie here savvy?" Jack turned the wheel once more so that my brother landed with a thump on the deck as Jack pointed Will's sword at Will.

    "So... Can you sail under the command of a pirate?" Jack pointed the hilt at Will now. "Or can you not?" Will took his sword back and stood up. I retrieved my rum and offered him some. He took it this time. "Thanks." He grumbled, and took a sip. I felt guilty, so I hugged him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you Will. I forgot, honestly." I whispered. He hugged me back. "Yeah well I can't change the past. By the way, your rum is pretty good." He responded, handing me back the bottle.

     "Only the best kind of girl can make rum." Jack smiled at me and winked. I beamed. But then, he ushered me over to the wheel. I obeyed and stood on his left."This is the perfect time for you to show me your sailing skills, love." I made a confused face. "I've seen your abilities with the sword.. Up close too." He added. "Now let me see you handle the ship" I looked nervously at the wheel. "So you've got no guts to take the wheel eh dearie?" I shuffled my feet. "Well, uh this boat-ship." I corrected. "It's way bigger than any boat ugh I mean ship I've sailed." Jack put a hand on my shoulder. "Only answer this question and I'll decide what to do next. Do you love the sea and love sailing with all your heart?" He questioned softly. 

     I instantly responded. "Yes." I wouldn't have chosen any other answer. All he said was "Perfect" and he gripped my shoulders, placed me in front of the wheel and put my hands on the wheel. I was about to pull my hands back but Jack rested his hands on mine, guiding me. "How do you feel now love?" With my hands on the wheel, and the spray of the sea in my face.. "Calm. I feel completely at peace." I sighed.

     I felt as if I became the ship and I was drifting along the water, my hair blowing in the wind. I let out another content sigh. But this time, I closed my eyes and leaned back into Jack's chest. It was warm, and I could hear the steady beating of his heart against my ear. He chuckled and continued guiding my hands, along the wheel. "This is what it's like to be behind the wheel of a ship, love." He whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and stood up. I stared into his brown eyes. They looked as if they were twinkling with delight. "I'll remember that Captain Sparrow." I chuckled. I walked over to Will and sat next to him. I then realized that I still didn't know where we were going. "Will, where exactly are we sailing to?" I asked him. Will glanced at Jack. "Tortuga?" Said Will uncertainly. "Tortuga" replied Jack.

That took soo long! But it was definitely worth it right? I'm not going to write a long author's not today. I'm too tired from this chapter. 😆 Wait till I upload the next chapter savvy? See ya mates!


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