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     I've been with Tia Dalma for about a year and a half now. We have become really close friends and I enjoy her company. I did have to set some rules once I told her my tragic tale. Absolutely NO mentioning Elizabeth Swan in my presence. I can't even stand her name. Second, I didn't know how she got the message from Captain Teague, but I told her that every month or so I wanted her to send him a message, just an update on how I was doing and such. But honestly, my time in this tree shack has been amazing. And yes I have to call it a shack because Tia Dalma gets a bit offended when I say "hut." She's shown me all sorts of miraculous wonders. 

     She even sends me out to explore the island and sail around. She rarely comes with me because she wants to mind the shack at all times, when she comes with me she too is amazed by my expert like sailing skills. I even convinced her to duel with me a few times with a sword. Of course she refused at first, but then I persuaded her by explaining how much better it'd be for my training to be a pirate. After many requests, she finally accepted. There hasn't been a single time in my life that I've lost a sword fight.

     Currently, I'm assisting her in updating some old maps. "Tia, I don't think I'm doing this right." I mumbled as I attempted to fix another map. She walked over to my side of the table. " You just need to fix da islands. Dey are not dat small in comparison to a ship." Tia has been constantly trying to aid me in map reading. Honestly, I'm terrible at reading maps, which is why I get lost so easily.

     "I need a break from this, is there anything else I can do?" I groaned. Tia Dalma sighed. "Fine. Help me fetch da rainbow rocks in da back please." Grinning, I nodded and happily left my terrible excuse of a map.

No One's POV

     As soon as Jessica left the room, Tia Dalma went back to updating the maps. Until, an unexpected knock was heard at the door. "Come in" she called. The door opened completely and there stood a man. He had dark brown hair pulled into a messy ponytail. (You thought it was going to be Jack didn't you?) When he stepped into the shack, he looked only slightly nervous about the countless jars of strange things littering the space. From behind him, was another. This one was definitely a pirate. He wore a black tri corn hat, a red bandanna across his forehead, and had dreadlocks in his dark brown hair. 

     "Lookee here! Long time no see Jack." Tia Dalma mused. Jack grinned and spread his arms in a welcoming way. "Tia Dalma." But before he could continue, another voice was heard. "Tia! We are completely, bloody out of.." Jessica paused as she came into the room. She glanced at Tia, then at Jack and the other man. "Who are you and what do you want?" She narrowed her eyes at the two males. "We are here for help to rescue Elizabeth Swa...." A dagger was thrown nearly a centimeter away from the man with the ponytail's face. Jessica pointed her sword at him. "Don't. Ever. Mention. That name. Around me." She glared at the man. 

     If looks could kill... "I'm William Turner, what do you have against Elizabeth?" Jessica looked as if she'd seen a ghost but then continued glaring at Will. "I hate that vile creature because you should know me but because of her, you don't." She said through gritted teeth.  Jessica stormed out of the room with her sword clutched tightly in her hand. "Well that was unexpected." Jack finally spoke. "So who was that fiery lass Tia Dalma?" Will looked even more confused then before. "I should know her? What does that mean?" He muttered. Tia Dalma only shook her head. "That is Jessica. I feel dat it's not my place to tell you her story. But the Swans did some terrible things to her whether they meant to or not. Go to her, she's on the beach."

     Reluctantly, Jack and Will returned to the beach. Jessica was sitting on the sand, staring at the water. Will hung behind, but Jack walked up to her. "So what's got your shirt in a knot, love?" Jessica turned around, bewildered. "What do you want." She spat and turned her head back to the sea. "Love, I am Captain Jack Sparrow and I'm curious to know why you shouted at my friend.." "AQUAINTENCE!" Will shouted, but Jack ignored him. Jessica whooshed around so fast, Jack almost tipped over. "Your Captain Jack Sparrow?" She smiled. "The one and only, dearie. And that's Captain.. Oh." He grinned at her. "Your the first to call me Captain in a first time greeting, love. I like you already." Jessica beamed. "I know who you are! I was raised by your father, Captain Teague! Oh he told me to give you his condolences. But this is incredible! I'd never thought I'd see you!" 

     Jack looked a bit stunned. "You, uh, know my dad?" He asked. "Yes, he is like my only family besides Will..." She mumbled. At this Jack gripped her shoulders tightly. "Your a Turner?" He whispered. Jessica nodded. "I'm Jessica Turner. I was torn away from my brother by those filthy Swans." She snarled at that last part. Will, who had been listening ran up to the two. "Your... your... my sister?" He stuttered. Jessica looked into his eyes. "Yes, she whispered." She began to sob, putting her face in her hands. "I almost thought she was made of rock." Jack grunted to Will. But William walked up to his sister and hugged her. She continued to sob into his chest. Jack stood awkwardly to the side. 

     When Jessica was finished, she wiped her tears on her sleeve. "Sorry, I hardly ever.." "Don't worry about it. At least I'm here with you now" Will assured her. She smiled at him, and he returned it. "Ahem. Well now that your finished darling, lets get back to business eh?"Jack began walking back to the shack, Will and Jessica following close behind.

I was writing the draft for the next chapter when I realized. "Oi I didn't put an author's note at the end of this one." I fixed that now. "Funny ol' world isn't it?" quote Captain Jack Sparrow.😜 I've been thinking, and I'm not going to do POVs anymore. It'll all be from Jessica's perspective savvy? See ya next time mates!


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