Bargaining with Barbossa

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     When we entered the cave, Jack and I just repeated what we did last time. Only, we made sure the monkey wouldn't hear us this time. We were extra quiet. I popped my head up just a bit to get a view of the cave. My jaw dropped. They had Will! I knew that already though. That wasn't the part that I was worried about. A couple members of Barbossa's zombie-like crew had Will restrained and bent over the chest. But they weren't planning on making a cut across his hand...they were going to slit his throat! "Jack! We have go! It's now or never!" I whisper yelled. Jack put his hand on my shoulder. "We're walking out of this cave with Will alive. So don't worry, love." I nodded. That's when Jack grabbed my arm and began pushing his way through the crowd to the front."Begun by blood..." Barbossa raised the bone-like dagger into the air. Oh no, we have to make it in time. I gave Jack a worried glance as he continued pushing pirates out of the way. We were so, close. Barbossa's crew were too surprised to see us, that they didn't do anything when Jack kept making his way over to Barbossa, the chest, and my brother. "By blood un-

"Jack! Jes!" Will shouted, as Jack and I finally stood at the foot of the heap of treasure that Barbossa and Will were standing on. Barbossa looked down on us, bewildered. His face turned white. "..It's..not..possible." He mumbled, completely aghast. "Not probable." Jack corrected. "Where's Elizabeth?!" Will shot immediately. Wow, right here little brother. "She's safe just like I promised. She's all set to marry Norrington, just like she promised. And you get to die for Elizabeth, just like you promised. So we're all men of our word, really. Except for Elizabeth who is in fact, a woman. And Jessie here who hasn't made any promises." Jack finished. Geez, when did they make all these promises? Oh right, I didn't start this adventure in Port Royal like basically EVERYONE ELSE IN THIS CAVE. But I can live with that. Port Royal is home of the Swans, therefore it is like Hell to me. 

     "Shut up!" yelled an extremely frustrated Barbossa. Dang, I don't think I've seen him this angry. Oh well, all the more reason to bloody kill him. He held the dagger right above Will's throat. This time, Jack caught my worried expression. "You, don't want to be doing that, mate." Jack pointed out. Barbossa practically rolled his eyes at him. "No, I really think I do." Barbossa countered."Your funeral." Jack spoke simply, holding his hands as if he were waiting for something. At first, I really considered why I left my brother's life in the hands of Jack. But now I realized what he was doing, so I just let him follow through with his plan. Now Barbossa, who seemed curious that we weren't doing anything, turned back to face Jack. "And why don't I want to be doing it?" Barbossa asked. "Well because..." Jack started to climb up the pile of treasure to Barbossa, but the African crew member put his hand on his shoulder as if restraining him. Jack slapped his hand off and continued walking up the pile. "Well because," he repeated and beckoned me to follow. So I trailed behind Jack as he continued his explanation to Barbossa.

     "Because, the HMS Dauntless, pride of the Royal Navy, is floating just offshore, waiting for you." Jack continued. At this, Barbossa's face became contorted with rage. The pirates began muttering things amongst each other. "Just hear us out, mate." Jack put his hands out defensively. "You order your men, to row out to the Dauntless, they do what they do best, Robert's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt, and there you are with two ships." Wait, what? I thought Norrington's crew was going to be the ones doing the ambushing? Whatever Jack was doing, it was too late to take it back now. Jack looked over at me, as if to say that I had to participate in this if we were to gain Barbossa's trust. "The makings of your epvery own fleet." I said coolly. Now Barbossa seemed just a bit more interested. "You'll take the grandest as your flag ship. But what of the Pearl?" Jack paused, waiting for Barbossa's reaction, who raised an eyebrow. At least he was still listening to the proposition. "Name me Captain. I'll sail under your colors, I'll give you 10% of me plunder, and you get to introduce yourself as Commodore Barbossa, savvy?" Barbossa contemplated this, before slowly asking, "I suppose, in exchange you want me not to kill the whelp." Will scowled at Barbossa, but I smiled. My brother was so easily insulted. 

     "No, no, no. Not at all. By all means, kill the whelp. Just not yet." Jack added hastily when he saw my expression. "Wait to lift the curse, until the opportune moment." Jack advised, but glanced at Will. I understood what he meant at the same time Will's face brightened. Of course! So that was the idea. "For instance..." Jack stepped over to the chest and grabbed four of the coins. "After you kill Norrington's men." Jack paused with every next word to drop a doubloon back in the chest. "Every." Plunk. "Last." Plunk. "One." Plunk. But I noticed Jack slowly slipped the fourth doubloon up his sleeve. Will must've also caught it, I mean why else would he be staring at Jack's arm? Jack then turned to Will, wanting him to do a little acting as well. "You've been planning this from the beginning!" Will blamed Jack. "Ever since you've learned my name! How could you Jes!" Even though I knew he was acting, I was a bit hurt. I mean to Barbossa it sounded like I, a Turner, had betrayed my own brother and that Jack was just....Jack. "Yeah." responded Sparrow. I nodded my head in agreement. Barbossa now grinned at me, exactly as I thought he would. But then he turned to Jack. "I want 50% of your plunder." Jack however didn't like that offer and they both wen back and forth. "15%" Jack argued. "40%" Barbossa shot back. God, this would continue on forever. "25%" I butted in, "Now shut your blowholes and make a bloody deal already." I snarled. I wanted them to know I meant business. They both stared at me, appalled. But before Barbossa could interject, Jack threw in another offer. "And we'll even buy you a hat. A really big one." Barbossa put his hand on his chin. "What say you, Commodore?" Jack stuck his hand out. After a few seconds, Barbossa took his hand and shook it. "We have an accord." He finally agreed. 

     "All hands to the boats!" Jack called out to the pirates enthusiastically, waving his arms about. But no one moved and Jack realized his mistake. "Apologies. You give the orders." Jack gave Barbossa a goofy smile. Barbossa eyed Jack. "Gents...take a walk." Barbossa barked. The swarm of pirates smiled evilly and exited in a sort of formation. "Not to the boats?" Jack questioned, frowning. Barbossa rolled his eyes at Jack, while I thought about smacking the sense into him. "They don't NEED boats you idiot." I whacked the back of his head with my hand. "Right. I simply forgot, love." His excuse was insignificant, but I grinned. Until I realized, that if the pirates weren't going to take their boats...... Norrington was going to have the time of his life tonight. 

Hello there! I know, I know, the fight scene is coming up. At least I get to write 2 more chapters! Woohoo! 😆 Keep reading, savvy. See ya on the battle field, mates!


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