Stranded. On an Island. With Jack Sparrow.

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     When I reached shore, Elizabeth was standing on the beach. She looked in my direction, but I glared at her and sat down closer to the water and farther from her. I heard her walk up behind me. "Are you Jessica Turner?" She asked. I unsheathed my sword and pointed at her,  as I continued to face the sea. "Don't come up to me from behind. I might accidentally slice you." I growled. She then stood to my right, bending over me. I placed my sword back into its sheath. "So are you Jessica?" She repeated. I groaned. "What's it to you, Princess." I continued staring at the ocean, waiting for Jack. "Why do you dislike me? Will told me all about you." I stood up to face her. "He's wrong. I don't dislike you." I walked farther away from her and sat down again. "I absolutely HATE you." I spoke loudly and harshly. She looked a bit taken aback from my attitude. But before she could say anything else, a man was striding to shore. "Jack!" I shouted. I ran up to him and pulled him into a tight hug. He returned it, sighing into my hair. I pulled back to give him some air. We were still standing in the ocean, with the water below my knee but I didn't care. I punched his arm. "What was that for, love?" He rubbed his arm, but smiled at me. "That, was for making me think you drowned." I smirked.

     "Oh look Jessie, it's Elizabeth." Jack spoke with a snigger in his tone. I punched his arm again, but not out of happiness. But once Jack and I had walked to shore, I noticed the pirate had stopped to turn around. I walked back to him to see what he was looking at. "That's the second time I've had to watch that man sail away with my ship." He spoke in such a depressed tone, that I actually felt really bad for him. I put my hand on his shoulder. "I will help you." I said simply. He shook his head and began walking towards the island, with me following suit.

     "But you were on this island before weren't you, so we can escape in the same way you did then!" Elizabeth shouted after Jack, me being close behind. Personally, I had no idea where I was going but there couldn't be any harm in following Jack right? But Elizabeth kept egging on questions, and she was doing more than just getting on my nerves. "I'm gonna bloody shoot her if she shouts again." I muttered. Jack whirled around and yelled back at her. "To what point and purpose young missy!" I stood to the side, enjoying the fact that someone other than me was yelling at Swan. "The Black Pearl is gone. Unless you have a rudder and a lot of sails hidden in that bodice, unlikely." Jack grimaced. "Young Mr. Turner will be dead long before you can reach him." He walked back up to me and resumed going wherever he was going. Oddly enough, he began knocking on a palm tree. "But your Captain Jack Sparrow. You vanished from under the eyes of seven agents of the East India Company. You sacked..." I stopped listening to Elizabeth whining about Jack's previous accomplishments, and began curiously watching the infamous pirate captain jump up and down in the sand. He was obviously looking for something.

     Elizabeth now stood so close in front of Jack it made my chest twinge with jealousy. " Are you the pirate I read about or not? How did you escape last time?" Elizabeth spoke clearly and finally, if I do say so myself, out of breath. Jack looked down at her with uncertainty. But now I too wanted to hear the true story, so I went closer to them until I was standing on the other side of Jack. He glanced at me than back to Elizabeth and sighed. "Last time, I was here a grand total of three days, alright?" he paused to open up a hidden door that lead to some sort of underground cellar. "...last time, the rum runners used this island as a cache, came by, and I was able to barter passage off." He began rummaging around in the cellar. Probably gathering rum. "Looks of things, they've long been out of business. Probably, have your bloody friend, Norrington to thank for that." His hand shot out of the cellar, gripping a bottle of rum. Yup, I thought so. He stepped out of the cellar, carrying two more bottles. "So that's it then? " Elizabeth pursed her lips and looked down on Jack. "That's the secret, grand adventure of the infamous Jack Sparrow." She stepped close to his face again. "You spent three days lying on a beach, drinking rum?"

     I stood next to Elizabeth, unfortunately, and narrowed my eyes at Jack. "So you did lie. I knew it, I knew it all along." I stepped closer to him, Elizabeth backing up to let me through. "There were bits of truth in that lie. But is rum seriously the only thing you can even think about when my brother has been tied to a ship that's going to use his blood and probably kill him afterwards to break some bloody curse that was Barbossa's problem?" Jack raised all the bottles into the air and grinned. "Welcome to the Caribbean, love." He handed a bottle to Elizabeth, took my arm and dragged me to the beach. I was about to raise the bottle to my lips but he stopped me. "Before you start drinking, let me ask you something, why are you so friendly to me?" I raised an eyebrow, not expecting such a question. I was usually rather rough when around someone other than my brother. But thinking back, I had been more open around Jack, and sociable too. After all, he is the first person other than Teague to know my fear of storms. I spoke with him, as if I was speaking to Will. And he was the only person who didn't call me Jessica other than Will. But I was ok with that. I broke out of my trance, Jack still awaiting my answer. "Honestly, I..." but Jack put a finger to my lips, quieting me. "Think about your answer, love. Tell me when your ready. I don't wanna rush you." He then tipped his bottle, taking a swig of rum, sitting down on the beach. Although I was a bit stunned, I thought about what he said, thinking about my answer.

     Elizabeth was completely drunk. Jack, however, was not. Him being a pirate and all, he wasn't so easily tipped. The two were dancing around the fire I had made, singing "Yo ho yo ho a Pirate's Life for Me." I was sitting on the beach, not far from the fire, but not close either. I heard a thump and saw Elizabeth sleeping in the sand. I sighed and leaned back, staring at the stars. Until Jack popped into my view. "Whatcha doin, love?" He hovered over me. "Thinking." I responded truthfully. Jack walked to my left and sat down next to me. "What did you mean, not all treasure is silver and gold?" I asked, still staring at the stars, Jack doing the same. "First, I specifically said not all treasure is silver and gold mate." I chuckled and lightly punched his arm. "And, I mean exactly what I said. For example, I treasure something that's not silver and gold. Worth more than both of those really." I stared at the stars, until something inside me clicked. But I had to make sure. 

    "Can I ask you one more thing?" This time Jack sat up so I copied him. "Fire away, love." I hesitated but I had to make sure.... "You remember that day when you handed me the wheel? How did you feel?" I noticed Jack tense up a bit, before he relaxed and leaned on both arms, staring at the sky. "Honestly, love. That's an easy one. If you felt the way I think you did, than all I can say is, I felt the same way." He stated it as if it were nothing simpler than that. I think I finally understood it now. The way I felt calm around him, the way I enjoyed his company, the way I loved feeling his warmth. It also explained, the pang in my heart when he hadn't shone up on the beach yet, but how it burst with joy when I saw his figure emerging above the water, the twinge of jealousy when Elizabeth had been so close to him, and the way I felt now. "Jack, I'm ready to answer your question." He now stared intently into my eyes, which mirrored his own. We have the same eyes. I took a breath. "I believe I act the way I do around you because, because..." my breath hitched for I didn't know if I should really speak the truth. But Jack pulled me into his chest. I felt the same warmth I had felt when he guided me behind the wheel. "Don't be afraid, love." His reassurance guided me, as it did behind the wheel, on that day. 

     "I've fallen for you Jack." I whispered, finally letting it out. Our faces moved closer together as Jack skinned his hand across my cheek. "And I have felt the same about you, love." His lips brushed against mine. "Always have, always will, Jessie." I closed the distance between our faces. Sparks flew between us. Jack held my face, as if it were China that he didn't want to break. He ran his fingers through my light brown hair. I brought both my arms around his neck, and pulled back, a light blush dusting my face. He chuckled and caressed my cheek with his thumb. I leaned into his chest once more, listening to the steady beating of his heart. I hadn't even noticed that I was sitting in his lap. But I let his warmth envelope me. "How do you feel, love?" Jack sighed as he once again, began brushing my hair with his fingers. "I feel warm.......your warmth." And for the first time in my life, I hugged Jack and fell asleep in his arms.

This is now officially my favorite chapter. I don't want to spoil the moment so I'm going to make this short and quick. Keep reading, savvy? See ya mates! 😊


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