Chapter One: Let's get together

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Bye love you see you on parents weekend" Maria says giving her parents each a hug and kiss before watching them drive away from her dorm.

As soon as she could not see them anymore she sprints back to her room and changes out of her soccer shorts and tshirt into a knee length cobalt blue 40's style dress with a pair of black flats. She left her hair down and no make up with very little jewelry. With one last check in the mirror she runs up to the fourth floor she hadn't seen her friends yets well she hadn't seen the guys yet, when she gets to the door which is wide open she leans on the frame and knocks.

"So who is going to come say hi to me first?" Maria says knowing all but one that lives there.

"Maria is that you? Its nice to see you again"

"Yeah it is hey Spencer, anyone else here" She says not leaving her spot.

"I am Maria if you want to come in and Brandon stepped out as did my roommate saying he needed to see someone."

"Kyle, how are you we need to see when we can watch Arrow and Flash together" She says coming in a giving him a hug.

"Yeah we do but we need Sarah for that."

"True so you said you had a roommate thats not Joe , what is he like?"

"Different he is a geek but he talks like he's from a different era"

"What do you mean? does he talk like he belongs in the 20s or 40s or something like that."

"Yeah kind of like the 40s"

"Thats cool what does he look like?" She asks hoping it's who she thinks it is.

"His desk is over there, he has a photo of him and his sister." Kyle says pointing

"Oh he even dresses like it" Maria says looking at the photo "Hey you want to make a bet."

"Sure what kind"

"I want to make a bet that if I'm still here when he comes back he will refer to me as a dame or call me doll"

"Ok but I don't know what are we betting?"

"10 bucks"

"Ok 10 buck he won't"

"Your on" Maria smirks knowing she will win because he always called her doll.

They continued to talk for a little while catching up when they hear voices from the hallway, but they didn't really care who it was until they hear someone call for them.

"Kyle you here? Maria is that you I hear"

A smile breaks across her face she hasn't hear that voice in a long time. Maria turns around and walks out of Kyle's room into the main area of the suite.

"Hey there stranger" She says pulling him into a hug

"Its nice to see you again." The boy smiles at her when she lets him go

"Brandon, you have these two bags left where do you want them?" A lady says walking in. "Oh Maria I didn't know you were here how are you"

"I'm good how about you."

"I'm good tired about hearing about this dinner you guys are going to"

"I bet I can't wait. Here let me help" Maria says taking the bags "Brandon darling these are your things don't just stand there like an idiot"

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming" the boy says talking the other bag "Thanks mom"

"Your welcome I will see you at church tomorrow"

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