Chapter 7: Memories lost and found

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"Awe Junior you're going to break your old man's heart" Tony says as we hear Ultron call him a sickness.

Tony lands on the platform with Cap Thor and I while Nat and Clint hide off waiting for the fight to break out. which I knew would be we have to have a little conversation first when I focus in again Steve steps forward addressing the Twins not seeing Gabrielle

"Listen you two"

"Gabi you and them can walk away from this" I say cutting in and stepping around Steve.

"Oh ve vill" Wanda smirks while Gabi nods and Pietros just gets wide eyed staring at me.

"Ah Captain America the righteous man pretending he can live without a war and Agent M. the one who amazes me the one who I can not find anything on you do not exist you are an interesting one why do you stay around these murderers?"

"I seem to be an Interesting specimen to everyone no one knows me Not SHIELD not HYDRA not you, I don't exist doesn't that bother you Ultron you can't rid the world of something that does not exist. I say in an snarky tone.

"You could be a fine addition to my team but you stay with them it makes me want to throw up but I physically can't throw up you know."

"If you believe in peace let us keep it" Thor says interrupting our conversation.

"You confuse peace with quite."

"Ya huh, so whats the Vibranium for?" Stark asks

"I'm glad you asked because I wanted to take this time to tell you my evil plan." Ultron says moving Stark forward.

As he does my hand goes for my knifes and I whisper for everyone to get ready. Soon Stark is thrown across the room by Ultron, I'm about to jump down out of the way to attack some of the other guys men when the next thing I know is that I'm in a room away from the fighting. my first thought is did I use my powers but then I notice Pietro in the doorway.


"Maria! are you ok? where are you I can send someone to you." I hear Steve say through me the com.

"I'm fine just a little shocked thats all" I say not moving my eyes from the boy who just closed the door and is walking towards me.

"Are you sure you don't need back up or someone to watch your language?" Tony asks

"I'm fine you guys no one needs to help me focus on what you are doing." I say muting my com backing up for the first time."Well Mr. Maximoff is there a reason you brought me here?"

"You think you can beat me in a race?" he asks ignoring my question still walking to me.

"Nope I know I can." I smirk backing up.

"Vho are you? Vhy are you vith the Avengers, but telling us zings?" He asks his accent think.

"So many questions that you may never know the answer to" I say back ing up again

"Zhe girls von't really tell me zings vhen I ask zhe answers I get are vague unless I ask to describe you." he says stepping closer to me.

"why are you so interested in me?" I ask keeping my smirk.

"Because I'm trying to figure out vhy since I sav you I can't stop thinking about you"

"I'm just that fascinating."I say finally hitting the wall.

"Hov can something zat does not exist be fascinating?" He asks smirking

"Because for some reason I am still here even though I don't exist. Now if you would excuse me I have to go." I say trying to get around him but not before kissing him on the cheek.

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