Chapter 3: Keep an eye on them and a secret

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A couple months later ......

"Keep an eye on him please"

"But dad why?"

"Because him and Nat are going to get into trouble with or without you I would rather have you with them"

"True but I'm not doing this because you ask, I'm doing this because they are my friends"

"Just be careful"

"I'm not the one who is dead, but yeah I'll be careful"

That was a few days ago when my dad told me to be careful but how can I be when I'm running around with the Black widow and Captain America, as well now our friend Sam ,it is more exciting than mylife use to be but being attacked by the Winter Solider who is actually my best friend and SHIELD was not on my to do list today. The sad thing is knowing this has to happen because of the movies and the comics, he finally throws me to the ground and looks at me like he's about to shoot but instead he talks.

"Hey doll you know what has to happen, meet me at the place after I pull him out of the water."

Before I can respond to him Cap attacks him, watching them fight is amazing and horrifying Nat is at my side soon and after assessing our wounds we look up to see Cap and The winter soldier just standing there.

"Bucky?" Cap says

"Who the hell is bucky?" winter asks with a surprisingly straight face,

Steve has no time to answer Natasha even with her injured arm shoots a gun that was near her causing an explosion near them and the next thing we knew, we were surrounded by SHIELD and Bucky was gone. For most of the car ride after they captured us Steve was flipping out about Bucky.

"Steve relax a little we will find out what happened to him."

"Yeah shut it Steve" Natasha says quietly before wincing in pain

"We need to get her medical attention before she loses more blood" Sam says to one of the guards

The guard closest to Sam lights up the stick and looks like he is going to electrocute Sam for speaking but quickly turns on their partner making them fall unconscious. We stare in shock as as they remove their helmet

"Thank god that thing was squeezing me head. Who is this one I thought I was only pick up the three of you?" She says

"Hello to you too Maria, and this is Sam he took us in and has been helping when everyone else was trying to kill us" I answer

"Yeah well you have more people backing you up now let's go"

She gets us all out and into another van talking us to a secret underground place where she tells some doctors that Tasha has probably lost about a pint of blood but when one of them says that he will take her, Maria tells them just to be ready and that we probably want to see him first.

That confused everyone else but I had a general idea of who they were talking about, not one hundred percent sure though.

"See who?" Cap asks as we walk into a room.

"I thought you were dead"

"With a little help from the car crash and a formula Dr. Banner made I technically am"

"Faking death such a Fury thing to do" I say

"And you, I thought I told you to stay out of trouble."

"Nope you told me to keep an eye on these guys and be careful because they were going to get into trouble with or without me."

"You knew he was alive" Steve asks

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