Episode 1

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 Marina-(screen is black) I thought I was lucky when I was chosen to attend Hope's PeakAcademy, where only the superior were allowed to go. (Screen turns and we see the notorious red Monokuma eye) ...But I was wrong.

(Red eye goes away and Marina is found face down on a classroom floor)

I awoke on a cold floor, covered in dust and dirt. It has obviously not been swept in awhile. I looked around and saw empty desks and a dirty and dusty chalkboard, like a stereotypical classroom. I pulled myself up and brushed off my long, black hair that came down in two large, slicked curls and black dress. I noticed my large scar on my right hand and pulled my sleeve down. I was sore from being asleep on the cold, dirty floor. Where am I? I looked at the walls, rusty steel plates and bolts covered the spots where the windows should be. The dark purple paint on the walls gave the room an empty, grim feeling. I walked away from the place I awoke and noticed a message scribbled on the chalk board.

    "Pupupu. Meet up in the gymnasium at 8:00 a.m. sharp. "

Gym, huh? I walked out of the classroom and started walking around. I had to wander cluelessly around for ten minutes in a silent hall way. I was about to yell for someone, but I finally reached the end. There was a large pair of steel doors in front of me, so I am guessing this is the gym. I sighed; let's see what Hope's Peak has in store for me. I opened the doors and the light shown through the halls. I was suddenly greeted by numerous eyes and a few unpleased groans. An overly excited girl with clothing brighter than the lights stepped in front of me. I jumped when she shrieked.

     Ashley- Yay! Another new student! –hands on face and pink in the face, obviously excited- (Screen switches to pink screen with her normal pose on the front. "Super High School level Singer") Are there anymore of you?

Another girl in the back answered in a less excited voice.

     Shelby- I doubt there is anyone else. –Eyes are locked at game system in hands and tongue sticking out- (Screen switches to purple screen with her pose on the front. "SuperHigh School level Gamer") the board I saw said there were only 16 of us.                    

                          A low, almost growl of a voice spoke up.

       Cordell- So she is it. Was hoping for a stronger opponent. –has his eyes close, but his voices makes Marina spooked- (Screen switches to gray screen with his pose on the front. "SuperHigh School level Boxer")

He walks away and Marina starts walking around. She stops in front of red haired girl.

        Sabrina- -looks at Marina and smiles- Do you know why we are here? –Sketching a perfectly detailed picture of the gym- (Screen switches to red screen with her pose on the front. "SuperHigh School level Artist")

                       A tough sounding black haired girl answers from the back.

          Victoria- Nobody knows why we are here. –Points at Marina and huffs- She looks just as confused as the rest of us. –Pulls backpack in front of her, showing the snk titan- (Screen switches to orange screen with her pose on the front. "SuperHigh School level Otaku")

                    "Y'all reckon we've been kidnapped?"

           Jowe- -hiding behind crowd of people- We don't even know who called upon this meeting. (Screen switches to green screen and his pose is on the front. "SuperHigh School level Farmer")

               Sarcastic laughter comes from another corner of the room.

            Nikki- If we were kidnapped, don't you think far worst would have happened? Others would have come for us by now. –Fixing string hanging from her olive green and obviously hand stitched general outfit- (Screen switches to golden screen and her pose is on the front. "SuperHigh School level Seamstress") we just need to wait for whoever invited us here.

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