Episode 6

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Marina- The next morning was slow and full of melancholy. All of us were late getting up and no one said a word. When Cratos entered, everyone turned away. I could see his eyes pink from crying. After the execution, I remember watching Cordell bring Cratos to his room because he had fainted. He sat alone and waited with the rest of us until Shelby got there. “I guess we should go look upstairs and see if the new level is unlocked” Everyone got up but didn’t make a noise. The third level of the school was unlocked, except for the medical room. Cordell tried to open it, but Monokuma warned us if we broke any doors down, we would get a “punishment” The same old process went on of searching around as it did last time. Cratos was still broken. He didn’t speak a word to anyone. He would occasionally look at me with tear filled eyes, but would look back down, dreds covering his face, sliding his feet across the floor, and the occasional tear fall to the ground as he rolled the ring between his fingers.


           Nikki seemed to hang closer to me now, almost like a clingy friend in middle school. Victoria glared at her. I am pretty sure she does not like her. Ashley and Gabby left after five minutes, and I didn’t see them for the rest of the day. I went with Nikki to her room and she closed the door. “Marina…do you think I am next to…….die?”


          I gave her a worried look. “Nikki, no. Why would you even think like that?” I saw Nikki beginning to tear up. She isn’t acting like herself; she hasn’t been since Viviana’s murder. “Victoria…the way she stares at me. I think she thinks I helped kill Viviana and get Shannon executed. I know Cratos is lost in his sorrow and might act upon it. Marina…I don’t know what to do…”


          I grabbed her hand. I didn’t know what else to do to comfort her. She is just as broken as Cratos, but fear is consuming her. “Nikki, you can not let this get burrowed in your head. If Victoria scares you, you can come to my room anytime. Whatever I can do to help. We all need to stick together. “


         Nikki looked at me. “How do you stay positive when you have lost so much?” I shrugged my shoulders and gave a small smile. “I do not know. I guess I push through each day not knowing if it will get better or worse. Tomorrow is a mystery and you have to tell yourself you are ready. True, I may have lost Jowe and Shannon, but they are free from this nightmare. They don’t have to see anyone get hurt anymore. I miss Jowe more and more everyday. To remember his smile when I helped him like I am helping you makes me upset, but then again, it shows I gave him hope. “ My smile faded. I looked at Nikki and saw a small grin. “Marina, thank you.”


           I left her room. My stomach grumbled. I realized I haven’t eaten all morning so I went to the kitchen. I was the only one in there and I looked at the shimmering produce and vibrant cans in the fridge. I had just realized they are all color and size organized. Monokuma is extremely OCD. I grabbed a pomegranate juice and chicken quesadilla and sat at the counter. I ate in a dreadful silence and I became nervous. Monokuma hasn’t popped by in awhile, which is very unusual. I threw my stuff away and left. It wasn’t late so I went upstairs to the third floor to investigate a little more. There was a gaming room, so I know Shelby will claim this her territory. I went into the art room and already saw Sabrina’s stuff set up. I knew the medical room was locked, but I look inside through the small window on the door. I wouldn’t know how to use half of the stuff in their. I yawned but I continued to walk. I walked back to the second level and decided to sit on the edge of the pool. I took my shoes off and let my feet hit the chilling water. All of a sudden, a flash of white light goes off and I jump. Unfortunately, I jump too far and fall right into the pool. I pop back up to the surface of the water and yell out. It was freezing and my scarf sagged on my shoulders. My curls were drooping and pulling me down into the water. The smell of chlorine filled my nostrils. I flailed my arms around until I grabbed onto someone’s hand. After the stinging from my eyes dissipate, I see who helped me our. Manoto was standing there with his camera at his side.

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