Episode 14.2-

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  No, no no! This is all wrong. My calculations were all wrong. I didn't expect Viviana to choose Shannon, even though she ruined her pitiful life. Maybe, just maybe, Viviana can kill Shannon. With my calculations, there is a 58% chance that Viviana will kill Shannon. If she does, my life will be a joy ride from here on out. But if Shannon is dumb enough to kill her, she better hide the evidence well. It's much harder to stage an execution than actually commence one.

               Let's see what Viviana is up to. She has a kitchen knife (real original) and had Shannon meet her after the night hours. I listened in on the conversation. I rolled my eyes because it was kinda lame. She planned to blackmail Shannon. "She may lack more brain cells than Shannon."

                Shannon does not handle blackmail well, so she pounced on Viviana. She grabbed the knife and grabbed Viviana, covering her mouth with a lot of force before slitting her neck. Shannon then said "You really think you could blackmail me? Too bad you will never make it out of here or see who the mastermind really is. Oh wait! You are looking at her. Ahahahaha!"

                   Wow, that wasn't utterly useless. Viviana gave her a shocked look before she fell limp in Shannon's arms. Now I know I am a complete and utter mass serial killer and may not have respect for the people themselves when they are alive, but I have respect when they are dead. If you were superstitious like I was, you would understand. Shannon simply threw, and I mean threw, her into the floor. There was blood all over her and she gave that sinister smile of hers. But then Shannon had one of her normal reactions. She vomited after feeling the blood on her. I literally just face palmed myself.

        Unlike me, Shannon is psychotic. She then proceeded to Nikki's room with a rag and an unlabeled bottle. Chloroform. Dammit Shannon, you broke into the medical room! If you are going to act like a student, follow the damn rules.

              I muttered under my breath and took a swig of my coffee, eyeing the screen closely. She used her skeleton key to get into Nikki's room and crept in. Nikki has keen hearing so I wasn't surprised when she woke up. But before she could do anything, Shannon drugged her, then pushed her onto the floor. She began to giggle like a child. "You are such a weakling he he!"

               She noticed her box of needles and I knew we both had the same idea. But again, Shannon is an idiot. Instead of solving the simple puzzle to unlock the box, she decides to smash it. She better hide that she smashed...oh who am I kidding? She left it there and left Nikki on the floor.

               I pinched the skin between my eyebrows again, shaking my head in disappointment. At least she disposed of the chloroform and her bloody clothes but God Dammit Shannon! Couldn't you have waited to get naked before you were in the bathhouse?! I turned away; I didn't want to see at all!

               I heard her calling my name and I replied with Monokuma. "Shannon, shut the hell up! Someone may be up and find out! And dammit put some clothes on!"

                She snapped right back at me. "Look, I can do what I want! Listen, clean the blood for me in the library, I won't have time to. I need to get bathed and cover my tracks. If you don't, you will be sorry!"

                    She went into the bathhouse and I brought Monokuma back. "I wish that bitch would just die already." I pushed my glasses back up my nose as I spoke.

                   "Why is she treating me like I'm lower than her? We used to be close friends. This may have been her idea and she may have spared me, but I have come up with all the ingenious executions. We both were so happy to do this and we did everything we wanted so far. I even helped her kill Marina's father! But no, she is just an inconsiderate, unintelligent, and revengeful 17 year old girl! ......."

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